Dr Dorian A Gangloff


College Lecturer, Fellow
SpecialisationQuantum Technology
Research interestsI am a quantum information scientist and leader of the Quantum Engineering Group. I develop systems, tools, and protocols with hybrid physical components that enable a fundamental understanding of the interaction of few and many quantum objects, with an eye to the development of quantum computing, communication, and simulation technologies.

I hold a Royal Society University Research Fellowship on "Quantum interface engineering with solid-state spins and photons" and a UKRI New Investigator Award on "Deterministic quantum gate between photons in a next-generation light-matter interface". I lead the QuantERA consortium MEEDGARD on 鈥淢emory-enhanced entanglement distribution with gallium arsenide quantum dots鈥.

My previous positions include an Associate Professorship of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford with a Tutorial Fellowship at Balliol College (2022-2023) and a Junior Research Fellowship at St John鈥檚 College in Cambridge (2017-2021). I completed my PhD at the MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms in 2016 and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Physics at the University of British Columbia in 2010.
Office: First Court K3