Fellow of St John’s College named as next Master of Gonville & Caius

“I am excited to be joining such a diverse community as together we continue the College’s legacy of impactful, academic excellence”

Professor Richard Gilbertson, FRS, FMedSci, FRCP, EMBO, a pioneering children’s cancer specialist and Fellow of St John’s College, has been announced as the next Master of Gonville & Caius College.

Fellows of Gonville & Caius expressed their intention at a meeting yesterday (26 June) to pre-elect Professor Gilbertson as the 44th Master of the College. He is due to take office on 1 October 2025 following the retirement of Professor Pippa Rogerson, the College’s current Master.

Professor Gilbertson, who is the Li Ka Shing Chair and Head of Department of Oncology at the University of Cambridge, and Director of Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre (CRUK CC), said: “Gonville & Caius College is a tremendous academic institution with a remarkable history of impact that has changed the world for the better. I am both delighted and humbled to be joining the College as Master next year.”

Professor Richard Gilbertson Fellow of ĢƵذ׿

A paediatric oncology clinician scientist and Senior Group Leader at Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Professor Gilbertson’s research focuses on understanding the link between disordered development and the different brain tumour types observed in children. He is a Subject Fellow in Medical Science at St John’s College, where he has been a Fellow since 2016.

Heather Hancock, Master of St John's, said: " All of us at St John’s warmly congratulate Professor Gilbertson on his election as the next Master of Gonville & Caius College. We know Richard as an outstanding clinician scientist, an inspiring teacher and a superbly supportive Fellow and colleague.  We’re delighted for him and for the Fellows, ĢƵذ׿ and staff of Caius in this inspired appointment."

As Master of Gonville & Caius, Professor Gilbertson said he is looking forward to working with the Caius community to build on the achievements of his predecessors. He added: “I have been struck by the commitment, brilliance and warmth of the ĢƵذ׿, Fellows and staff I have met already and I am excited to be joining such a diverse community as together we continue the College's legacy of impactful, academic excellence.”

Professor Peter Robinson, President of Gonville & Caius, said:  “I wish to congratulate Richard on his success and thank the candidates who made the selection process highly competitive.

“I wish to thank the many Fellows, staff members, ĢƵذ׿ and alumni who enabled the smooth running of the election process.”

In accordance with the College statutes, the binding vote by the College’s Governing Body to pre-elect Professor Gilbertson will take place in May 2025, followed by admission as Master in October 2025.

Published 27/6/2024

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