Gabriella Santangelo
Dr Gabriella Santangelo
College Lecturer in Economics, University Associate Professor in Economics, Director of Studies
Economics of Developing Countries
Office: E12a New Court
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R Sawarkar
Dr Ritwick Sawarkar
College Lecturer in Biochemistry, MRC Investigator / Senior Group Leader
Medical Science
Proteostasis, Transcription, chromatin
Dr Sawarkar studied Microbiology and Biochemistry in Mumbai (India) and obtained his PhD in 2010 from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Dr Sawarkar then moved to the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering of ETH-Zürich in Basel (Switzerland) as a postdoctoral Fellow with Renato Paro. In 2014, he started his own independent group at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg (Germany), before moving to the MRC Toxicology Unit at the university of Cambridge in 2019. He received the ERC Consolidator Grant in 2018 and Alfred Tissières Young Investigator Award in 2019.

The primary research interest of the lab is to understand the regulatory principles governing coordination between the three major steps of gene expression: transcription, translation and protein folding. The lab uses human cell lines and mouse as models and implement a variety of approaches ranging from forward genetic screens, genomics, microscopy to biochemistry, proteomics etc.

Office: E6A New Court
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E Sbaraini
Dr Ella M Sbaraini
18th and 19th century British history
Ella Sbaraini is a historian with a particular interest in histories of mental health, death, the emotions, race and sexuality. Her research focuses on the social and cultural history of Britain from the 18th to the early 20th centuries, and it seeks to examine the construction, and experience, of mental ill-health during this period.

Her PhD explored the experience of feeling suicidal in England and Wales between 1700 and 1850. It considered what it was like to feel suicidal at a time when suicide was illegal, the emotions that people expressed, and how these changed over time. It challenged the idea that suicide was ‘secularised’ over this period, instead proposing that suicide had profound religious significance for those who considered it.

During her Fellowship, Dr Sbaraini is working on a new project investigating the treatment and experiences of international patients in British 'lunatic' asylums between 1800 and 1920. Using a wider variety of legal, institutional and personal sources, it will - among other things - examine how patients born outside of Britain were perceived and treated by asylum staff, investigating issues of linguistic and religious provision, and the impact of migration on mental health'.
Office: H1 Second Court
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Professor Malcolm Schofield
Emeritus Professor of Ancient Philosophy, College Supervisor in Ancient Philosophy
Has interests in a broad range of subjects within ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. Author (with G.S. Kirk and J.E. Raven) of The Presocratic Philosophers (Cambridge U.P., 1983 [2nd edn.]), The Stoic Idea of the City (Chicago U.P., 1999 [expanded edn.]), Saving the City (Routledge, 1999), and Plato: Political Philosophy (Oxford U.P., 2006). Co-editor of The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy (Cambridge U.P., 1999), and the Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought (Cambridge U.P., 2000). Editor of Aristotle, Plato and Pythagoreanism in the First Century B.C. (Cambridge U.P., 2013). Currently working mostly on Plato's Laws and on Cicero's philosophical writings.
Office: B2b Chapel Court
Telephone: 38644
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M Seita
Dr Matteo Seita
Granta Design Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering
Dr Seita's research focuses on metal additive manufacturing (AM), characterisation and testing, and microstructure engineering of structural alloys. He is very interested in studying how the point-by-point material forming process typical of AM yields the microstructure heterogeneity that is frequently observed in metal parts. This heterogeneity is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it leads to large property scatter and casts uncertainty over parts performance, hindering the adoption of additive technologies by the industry. On the other hand, it may impart exceptional mechanical properties, which even surpass those found in conventionally produced materials. Dr Seita's goal is to understand and control this microstructure heterogeneity to design and produce materials with "architected microstructures" which will exhibit more predictable behaviour and tailored functionalities. His vision is that this unique capability will enable a new design paradigm in metal AM for producing both geometry-and microstructure-optimized parts.
Office: B1b Chapel Court
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Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri
Professor Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri
College Lecturer in Physiology/Reproductive Biology , Tutor for Law Part IB and Part II, Education and AMES
Natural Science (Biological)
Physiology/Reproductive Biology
Professor Sferruzzi-Perri's interest lies in understanding the aetiology of pregnancy complications and the regulation of developmental processes in a wider context. Her laboratory has been investigating the environmental and genetic control of placental morphogenesis and function and its relevance for fetal development, maternal health and the long-term programming of disease.
Office: E9a New Court
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Darshil Shah
Dr Darshil Shah
College Lecturer in Architecture/Design, Associate Professor in Materials in the Department of Architecture
Architecture and Design
Dr Shah specialises in natural materials science and technology. Understanding the relationships between materials, society, technology, history and nature, his research aims to design and innovate with natural materials by exploring low-energy methods of manufacture, improving structural performance, introducing multi-functionalities, translating across disciplines and application sectors.

Dr Shah's research and design at the Centre for Natural Material Innovation (CNMI) imagines the replacement of anthropogenic materials (concrete, metals, plastics) with bio-based materials, such as engineered timber, bamboo, natural fibres and their composites. Examples include a megawatt wind turbine with a wooden tower and flax biocomposite blades, an affordable ankle-foot disability orthosis from recycled plastic waste, an off-grid low-energy house constructed from industrial hemp materials, a room-temperature processing method for silk-like textile fibres, and a green policy that weaves agroforestry and construction in a circular bioeconomy approach enabling aggressive decarbonisation.

Office: A3 Chapel Court
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Dr Rebecca Shercliff
Dr Rebecca Shercliff
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic (ASNC)
My research centres on medieval texts and their development in the context of their social, historical and literary background, with a particular focus on producing new editions and translations of previously neglected works. My main research interests are medieval Irish literature and early Arthurian literature.
Office: F1c Cripps
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Professor Ben D Simons
College Supervisor in Physics, Herchel Smith Chair in Physics
Natural Sciences (Physical)
Biophysics of stem cell and developmental biology; mesoscopic physics; condensation and non-equilbrium phenomena in ultracold atomic gases

Office: E5b New Court
Telephone: 38738
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Holly Smith Photo
Dr Holly Smith
Research Fellow
(BA, MPhil Cambridge, PhD University College London) for History
Dr Smith is an historian of modern Britain. Her work lies at the intersection of architectural and political history. She is crucially preoccupied by how people translate their feelings about the built environment into language.
Her doctoral thesis offered a new history of high-rise housing and its grassroots reception in Britain. It revised influential arguments that high-rise architecture has been universally unpopular among its inhabitants. She excavated a diverse range of historical residential responses to different multi-storey environments to suggest a more nuanced relationship between architectural form and subjectivity.
At St John’s, she is turning to a new project on the post-war community architecture movement. Responding to the perceived repression of democracy in 'modernist' post-war urban design, this movement called for more participatory architectural practice. Her project traces the curious migration of the movement’s arguments – from their emergence in leftist counter-culture during the 1960s–70s to their redeployment by figures on the right by the 1980s. This research proposes that the ‘New Left’ and ‘New Right’ (conventionally characterised as profoundly polarised camps) drew upon a shared political language in post-war Britain.
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David Stuart
Professor David M A Stuart
College Lecturer in Applied Mathematics , University Professor in Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
Partial differential equations in classical field theory. Soliton dynamics in gauge theories, general relativity and quantum field theory.
Office: M6 Second Court
Telephone: 66551
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Professor Yuri M Suhov
College Lecturer in Statistics, Emeritus Professor of Applied Probability
Mathematical Statistics
Dynamical systems, statistical mechanics (classical and quantum), queueing networks, random processes and fields.
Office: I4 New Court (shared)
Telephone: 68192
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Simon Szreter
Professor Simon R S Szreter
University Professor of History and Public Policy

The history of demographic, social and economic change in Britain since c.1750 and the history of international thought in the empirical social sciences and demography. Founding Editor of
Office: B2a Chapel Court
Telephone: 38613
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John R Taylor
Professor John R. Taylor
College Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, Professor in Oceanography
Applied Mathematics
Fluid Dynamics and Oceanography.
Office: E12b New Court
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Stephen W Teal
Development Director
Development Director
As Fellow and Development Director, I am responsible for the development and implementation of the overall strategy of the department, which encapsulates all fundraising, alumni relations and administrative activity. In addition, I am the lead fundraiser for the Campaign, concentrating on gifts of £100,000 and above.
Office: E8 New Court
Telephone: 60900
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Edward Tipper
Professor Edward Tipper
Director of Studies in Geology/Earth Sciences, College Lecturer in Earth Sciences
Natural Sciences (Physical)
Earth Sciences
Office: F11B Cripps
Telephone: 46956
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S Tomaselli
Dr Sylvana P Tomaselli
Director for Postgraduates, Sir Harry Hinsley Lecturer in History, Fellow, Tutor, Director of Studies in History and HSPS, College Lecturer in History and HSPS, Affiliated Lecturer in History and Human, Social and Political Sciences, Senior Treasurer of the Associated Societies, Senior Treasurer of the Palmerston Society, Senior Treasurer of the History Society

History of Political Thought and Political Philosophy, and Politics
Eighteenth-Century Political Theorists, Conjectural History, Punishment and Mercy and other topics in Moral and Political Philosophy.'
Office: F11 a&b Chapel Court
Telephone: 38743
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Robert Tombs
Professor Robert P Tombs
University Professor Emeritus in French History

Modern French history (18th - 21st centuries). The history of Franco-British relations.
Office: G2 Second Court
Telephone: 38776
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Laura Torrente Murciano
Professor Laura Torrente Murciano
Professor of Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, College Lecturer in Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Office: E7b New Court
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Dr Faidon Varesis
Dr Faidon Varesis
College Lecturer in Law, Fellow
Private International Law; Conflict of Laws; International Arbitration.
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Yan Wang Photo
Dr Yan Wang
Research Fellow
Natural Sciences (Physical)
Material Science
(BA Jiangnan University, MSc Peking University, PhD Cambridge) for Material Science
Modern electronics consume an enormous amount of energy. My research is dedicated to leveraging the fundamental advantage of atomically thin semiconductors to create ultra-low power electronic devices. This involves the development of high-quality electronic materials, designing innovative device structures and engineering the properties of these devices to improve their efficiency and performance.
During my PhD, I successfully demonstrated clean contacts on atomically thin semiconductors using an industry compatible approach for the first time and realized low contact resistance for N-type field effect transistors (FETs). This method has been widely adopted by the community. Further, I developed a method that mitigates energy transfer during deposition to enable clean van der Waals contacts using high work function metals, paving the way for practical P-type FETs.
As a Research Fellow at St John’s, I will develop ultra-low power electronics such as tunnel field-effect transistors, ferroelectric field-effect transistors, and tunnel electro-magneto-resistance memories based on atomically thin semiconductors enabled by my discoveries of van der Waals interfaces.
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Dr Christopher G Warnes
College Lecturer in English, University Senior Lecturer in English
African Literature; postcolonial studies; the novel; digital culture.
Office: E14a New Court
Telephone: 37938
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Dr Helen Watson
Dr Helen E Watson
Tutor, College Lecturer in Anthropology, Director of Studies in HSPS, Formerly University Lecturer in Anthropology
Human, Social and Political Sciences (HSPS)
Anthropology of war and violence. Religious Nationalism, gender and inequalities.
Office: C3 Second Court
Telephone: 38792
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Tim Watts
Tim Watts
College Lecturer in Music, Director of Studies: Music
Office: I13 New Court
Telephone: 67938
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Professor Andrew P Wheeler
College Lecturer in Engineering

Office: A21 Cripps
Telephone: 39289
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