Vellum, 13.1 x 9, ff. 307 + 1, double columns of 50 lines. 14th cent., in a fine round hand influenced by Italian script, but English. 2 fo. qui enim.
Donor, T. C. S.
From St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury. The mark has gone, but the first words of f. 2 correspond with those in the catalogue (Ancient Libraries, p. 517).
On flyleaf: W. Crashawe 1610. 54s.
In cover: M. Charles ffotherbey Archdeacon (xvi) and Bo merry man.
Collation: 1 flyleaf, 112 212 (wants 6, 7) 312 - 2612 (wants 10 - 12).
1. Augustinus de trinitate, libri xv (P.L. XLII 819) . . . f. 1
Domino beatissimo.
A good border on three sides of f. 1. ,
of Christ seated blessing with orb. English work.
Text. Lecturus que de trinitate . . . . . . 1 b
Good decorative initials to this and to each of the following
The last leaf of lib.II and first of lib.III are wanting.
Ends f..97b : et tu ignosce et tui.
2. Inc. liber Aur. Augustini super genesim (XXXIV 245) 97 b
Omnis diuina scriptura.
A good initial to each book.
Ends f. 184b : isto tandem fine concludimus
3. Aur. Augustini unde malum (XXXII 1221) . . . 185
Adeodatus. Dic michi quero
-libentissime adiungo.
Lib. II. de libero arbitrio . . . . . . 191 b
Iam si fieri potest explica.
Lib. III . . . . . . . . 202
Quoniam satis michi manifestum
-aliquando compellit. Aur. Aug. de libr. arb. uoluntatis
Expl. lib. tercius.
4. Inc. prologus libri de doctrina christiana (XXXIV 15) . . 215 b
Extract from Retractations.
Sunt precepta quedam . . . . . . 215 b
Text. Due sunt res . . . . . . . 216 b
-quantulacunque potui facultate deserui.
5. Augustinus de lxxxiii quaestionibus (XL II) . . . . 251 b
Utrum anima a se ipsa sit.
The initial is given as H by mistake.
-si fideles ambo essent.
6. Augustini Retractationes (libri II, XXXII 583) . . . . 282
Prol. Jam dudum facere cogito
Capitula. Text. Cum ergo reliquissem
Lib. II, f. 298 b.
Ends f.303 a: retractare cepisse. Expl. lib. secundus Aur.
Aug. retractationum et cetera.
on verso, xvi:
By me Peter Ramsden.
By me William Heley.