Wolley Leigh
Wolley Leigh attended Queen's College in Oxford from 1631. He lived in Thorpe, Surrey, but the precise nature of his relationship with St John's is unknown.
Leigh's gift to the Library
In spite of there being no obvious connection between Leigh and the College, he obviously received some sort of hospitality here in 1635, as he felt grateful enough to leave ten pounds to the Library for the purchase of books. At least twelve quite diverse items were purchased, including a beautifully illustrated (1617), containing pictures of the various new facilities there, including lecture theatres, the library and the duelling halls.
Provenance markings
The books given by Leigh bear a book label detailing his gift. Translated it reads:
Wolley Leigh Esq. of Thorpe in the county of Surrey, a man of generous spirit towards the good arts, made this Library indebted to him by giving 10 pounds, with which, by the addition of this and other volumes, the Library is become better furnished. In the year 1635.