Vellum, 10.7 x 8.2, ff. 146 + 1, double and single columns of 34 lines. 13th cent., well written, with vowel points, in a smaller hand than the last.
Given by R. Horne in 1546.
Collation : 1 flyleaf, 18 - 128 134 148 158 166 178 – 198.
There are slips at each end of the gloss on the Epistles.
On f. 1 at top, in a hand of the 15th cent. (?), is :
En mihi rex nomen doliumque dedere Johanni,
which implies the name John Kingston for a former possessor. See on no 1.
Contents :
1-4 Regum, f.1. f.56b blank.
Jeremiah, f. 57. Isaiah, f. 81. Ezekiel, f. 101.
f.122b blank.
The Twelve Prophets, f. 123, ending imperfectly in Mal.iii.
Judges, beginning imperfectly in vii. 14, f. 139.
The Latin headlines and chapter numbers are in red and blue capitals in this MS., exactly as in no.1.
It is no. *96 in Kennicott, [copy in T.6.21. and T.6.26.] who describes the hand as German and the date as the end of the 14th cent.
Pamphlets by the Institute of Hebrew manuscripts, September 1961.
A. Gelston, ‘Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12: An eclectic text and a supplementary note on the Hebrew manuscript Kennicott 96’, Journal of Semitic Studies 35:2 (1990), 187-211.
J. Olszowy-Schlanger, Les manuscrits hébreux dans l’Angleterre médiévale: étude historique et paléographique (Paris, 2003) pp. 44-45.