MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 10.625 x 7, ff. 66, 36 lines to a page.  12th cent., in a fine hand.

    Red skin over boards: strap and pin fastening gone.

    Given by Jer. Holt.                                                          2 fo. fieri posse.

    Most likely from Bury St Edmunds, but the flyleaves are gone.

    At top of f. 1 in an old hand:

                                                   Beda super prouerbia.

    Collation: 18 - 38 (wants 5) 48 - 88 9? (three left).


     (¶Ùü³¾³¾±ô±ð°ù, Poetae Aevi Carolini  ii, 685, from Valenciennes MS. 40.)

          Verses:  Beda dei famulus nostri didasculus eui      .         .         .         f. 1

                        Falce pia sophie ueterum sata lata peragrans

                        Aequoreis rutilum ut compleret floribus orbem 

                        Hunc captum magni salomonis ab ore libellum

                        Mistica morigero retinentem enigmata sensu

                        Composuit patres proprio sermone secutus.

                        Quem tibi direxi magno pietatis amore

                        Muneris officio mundi clarissime rector.

                        Viue deo felix feliciter et lege semper.

    Beda super Parabolas Salomonis (no title or initial) (XCI 937)        .                1

    (P)arabole Salomonis, etc.  Parabole grece latine dicuntur simili-


    The text of the Proverbs is in red on and after f. 9.

    Ends f. 66b: collaudare seruitiis.  Amen.  Expl. expositio bede

      uen. presb. super prouerbia salomonis.

    Below a scribble (xv): Clama ne cesses ueniunt post tempora merces.

    On f. 66a, at top (xv): Amen quod leuysham.