MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 13.75 x 9.5, ff. 125 + 2, double columns of 52 lines.  14th-15th cent., very well written.

    Donor, T. C. S.:  price 20S.                                                        2 fo. supercilia.    

    Collation: 2 flyleaves, 110 - 310 48 58 610 - 810 98 -148 (+1).   

     On the 2nd flyleaf a long title of the 16th cent.


        Johannis de Burgo Pupilla oculi.

        List of tituli     .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .        f.  1

        Text.  Humane condicio nature     .         .         .         .         .         .         .            1b

        Capitula are repeated at the beginning of subsequent parts.

        There are some marginal notes.

        Pars x ends f. 125a: sub numero denario parcium terminatur.

           Deo gratias.

        Verses on offences to be absolved by the bishop (6):

                Qui facit incestum deflorans ac homicida


                Pontificem super hiis semper detentus adibit.

        Verso blank.

    It is a handsome copy of a common book.