Vellum, 6.5 x 4.75, ff. 196 + 2, several volumes, all well written.
13th, 12th, 11th-12th cent.
Stamped leather over boards, clasps gone: stamp of four-petalled flowers.
Donor, T. C. S.: priced 15s. 2 fo. adulterans.
The name Chaunterell (xvi) at top of f. 2.
Collation: 2 flyleaves, 112 212 310 48 | 512 - 812 910 | 1010 116 | 128 - 198 | 208 2110 (4 and 8 canc.: 10 stuck to cover).
The flyleaves are part of a leaf of a 13th cent. MS.: a gloss on some versified grammatical tract.
I. 13th cent., 36 lines to a page.
1. Retractacio S. Augustini Ep. de libro quem composuit de
sermone domini in monte . . . . . . f. 1
De sermone domini.
Inc. lib. Aug. doctoris de sermone domini in monte habito . 2b
Sermonem quem locutus est. (XXXIV 1229.)
-edificari super petram.
2. In another hand.
Some Gospels. Notes for Sermons . Extracts from Physiologus
(Pantera, Formica, Aspidochelon, etc.) . . . . 40
II. 13th cent., double columns of 30 lines.
3. Vocabularius Iuris (?) . . . . . . . 43
Populator agrorum nocturnus potest ex(tra)hi ab ecclesia.
Ends on Usura: sicut heres raptoris. Quere raptor. quere heres.
List of tituli in four divisions . . . . . . 100
III. Early 13th cent., 30 lines to a page.
4. Inc. epistole Simachi . . . . . . . 101
Ne mihi uicio uertatur intermissio litterarum.
Ends imperfectly in Ep. 87 (Interpello occupationes tuas):
gratulor amicicias tuas.
IV. 12th (?) cent., 33 lines to a page.
5. Petrus Alphonsus contra Iudaeos . . . . . . 117
Uni et eterno primo, etc. (CLVII 535).
Dixit operis sequentis compositor
-cicius in illis inueniat.
List of Tituli (12) . . . . . . . . 117b
A tenera igitur pueritie etate.
and its
division into 7 climata on 122.
relative to the
earth on 122b.
symbolizing the Trinity on 153b.
-meliorem quam principium tibi prestet.
In other hands. Names and meanings of Hebrew letters . 180b
Charm (?) to expel thieves.
V. 11th-12th cent., 36 lines to a page.
6. "Plato" (i.e. the Timaeus in the version of Chalcidius) . . 181
(I)socrates in exortacionibus suis
(U)nus. duo. tres. quartum enumero
-ex leui amonicione prospsicuo (!).
. . . . . . . . . 192
Notes on Clotho. Numerus. Coturnus. Oratio . . . 192b
(Diatessaron. Diapente) . . . . . 193
Notes, rhetorical.
Notes, theological, 193b. Extract from Sibyl's prophecy, In
illo tempore surget princeps iniquitatis de tribu dan, etc. . 194
Other very miscellaneous theological notes.
On last page Johannes Bryon (xv, xvi).
Climate maps like that on f.122r are also to be found in the following MSS of Petrus Alphonsus: Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Supl. Lat. 1218, 12th cent., and Bibliothèque de la ville, Dijon, Codex 190, 12th-13th cent.
Similar diagrams to those on fols. 122r, 122v and 153v can be found in on fols. 6r and 38v.
MS D.11 and MS E.4 are discussed in C. Cardelle de Hartmann, D. Senekovic and Thomas Ziegler, 'Modes of variability: the textual transmission of Petrus Alfonsi's Dialogus' (Micrologus' Library 66: Petrus Alfonsi and His Dialogus: Background, Context, Reception, 2014) and C. Cardelle de Hartmann and D. Senekovic in 'Reading Petrus Alfonsi before the Talmud trials: the manuscript evidence' (Late Antique History and Religion 21: Jewish-Christian Disputations in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 2020).
C. Cardelle de Hartmann, 'Rational knowledge and religious authority in Petrus Alfonsi' (The Journal of Medieval Latin 34, 2024).