MRJ number
College classmark

Vellum, 8.25 x 5.5, ff. 112, 35, 34 and 29 lines to a page.  15th cent., in three or four good hands.

Ex dono Mag. Gent.

Collation : 18 – 98 108 | 118 128 (wants 7) 138 148 (wants 4) 158 (wants 3-6?).



         I.     Sermon on the Sunday Gospels after Trinity.

Dominica prima post festum S. Trinitatis Luc. 27(!).

Homo quidam erat diues .  Crist seide to his disciplis in

    parable to undirstonde what it is to mene a parable is a word

    of story, etc.

Ends 78b (on Dom. 25) : blissid and worschipid mote he ben.


        II.    Sermons on the Gospels.

Begins imperfectly apparently on first or second Sunday after

    Epiphany           .               .               .               .               .               .         f.    79

The first complete sermon is Cum descendisset Ihesus de monte

    Matheu. viii.

{TH}is gospel tellith of two miraclis {th}at crist dide and conteyne{th}

    meche wit.

Ends in Whitsuntide (imperfectly) : on Erat home ex phariseis

    Jon. iiio. {th}is gospel undir a storye telleth of ye trenyte.

Arnold, Select English works of Wycliffe, I, p. xx (and p. iii)

    calls this copy S.  Part I contains Sermons not by Wycliffe.

Manuscript extra information



Given by John Gent (d. 1651), BA St John's College 1625-6, Rector of Birdbrook, Essex, 1632-51.
A. Hudson, 'Contributions to a Bibliography of Wycliffite Writings', Notes and Queries 228 (1973), 443-53.
A. Hudson (ed.), English Wycliffite Sermons (Oxford, 1983).
H. Leith Spencer, English Preaching in the Late Middle Ages (Oxford, 1993) pp. 224, 280-4, 405 n. 132, 455 n. 112, 472 n. 22.