Vellum, 15.625 x 12, ff. 280, double columns of 44 lines. Late 14th cent. (after 1387), very well written and with good ornaments.
On flyleaf:
Elegantissimum hunc librum manuscriptum Bibliothecae Coll. S. Joh. Evang. donavit Mr (blank) Baile
de Newington in agro Middlesexiae A.D. 1674.
Collation : 1 flyleaf, a8 – z8 A8 – M8, 1 flyleaf.
Contents :
1. Dialogus inter clericum et militem translated by Trevisa from
the Latin of Ockham . . . . . f. 1
Ich wondre sire noble kny{gh}t {th}at in fewe dayes.
A fine border of English ornament, gold, blue and pink.
D. green ground with gold flourishing. On L. the knight in
pink gown, gold chain and loose blue cap; on R. the clerk in
blue gown with tippet, lined with white fur, black skull-cap,
holding book.
ends f. 5: and nou{gh}t man for {th}e holy day.
Expl. Dialogus inter clericum et militem.
2. Inc. sermo domini Archiepiscopi Armachani (translated by
Trevisa) . . . . . . 5
Deme{th} nou{gh}t bi {th}e face but ri{gh}tful dome {y}e deme. Joh. 8o co.
holy fader in {th}e byginnynge of my sermon.
There are some marginalia in a hand of cent. xv, also in English,
traversing the preacher’s statements.
Ends f. 18b : but ri{gh}tful dome {y}e deme. Qui cum patre, etc.
3. Table in Latin to the Polychronicon . . . . 19
Abraham – Zorobabel. (Will. Rufus added.)
Table in English to the same . . . . 26b
Appolyne delphicus his temple
-Wynchelse i brent.
The Polychronicon of Ranulph Higden in the English version
of Trevisa . . . . . . 34
After solempne and wise writeres of arte
Fine decorative border as on f. 1.
Lib. II, p. 76.
On , very carefully done.
Lib. III, 105; IV, 146b; V, 176b; VI, 212; VII, 239b.
Ending 280a: to conferme {th}e pees and couenantes in ey{th}er side.
God be {th}onked of al his nedes {th}is translacioun is I ended in
a {th}orsday {th}e ey{gh}te{th}e day of Aueryl {th}e {y}ere of oure lord a
{th}owsand {th}re hondred foure score and seuene {th}e ten{th}e {y}ere
of kyng Richard {th}e secounde after {th}e conquest of Engelond
{th}e {y}ere of my lordes age sire Thomas of Berkeley {th}at made
me make {th}is translacioun fyue anf thrytty. Deo gracias.
See the Rolls edition of the Polychronicon I iv, and facsimile of
a page.
S. L. Fristedt, 'The Wycliffe Bible. Part III. Relationships of Trevisa and the Spanish Medieval bibles', Stockholm Studies in English 28 (1973).
Ronald Waldron, 'The manuscripts of Trevisa's translation of their Polychronicon towards a new edition', Modern Language Quarterly 51:3 (1990), 281-317.
Ronald Waldron, 'Dialect aspects of manuscripts of Trevisa's translation of the Polychronicon', Regionalism in late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts, ed. D. S. Brewer (Cambridge, 1991), pp. 67-87.
A. I. Doyle & M. B. Parkes, 'The production of copies of the Canterbury Tales and the Confessio Amantis in the early fifteenth century'. In M.B. Parkes and A.G. Watson (eds.), Medieval scribes, manuscripts & libraries: essays presented to N.R. Ker (London, 1978) p.206.
For Part 1 see: A. J. Perry, Early English Texts Society 167 (1925).
N. N. Erickson, 'A dispute between a priest and a knight', American Philosophical Society Proceedings 3:5 (1967), 288-309.
A. J. Perry (ed.), Dialogus inter Militem et Clericum By John Trevisa (London, 1925).
For Part 3 see T. J. Renna, 'Kingship in the Disputatio inter clericum et militem', Traditio 48 (1973), 675-93.
S. Drimmer, 'Failure before print (the case of Stephen Scrope)', Viator 46, No.3 (2015), 343-72.