Vellum, 2.625 x 2.25, ff. 306 + 4, 18 lines to a page. Late 15th cent., written in the Netherlands.
Donor, T. Baker. Wagstaff 3465.
Stamped binding with inscription:
ludouicus bloc | ob laudem | xpristi librum hunc | recte ligaui.
Collation : 4 flyleaves, 112 210 – 3010 314.
Kalendar in red and black . . . . . f. 1
Diurnale (?). Proper of Time . . . . 13
Capitulum. Ecce dies ueniunt.
Proper of Saints . . . . . . 143
Common of Saints, extra tempus Paschale . . . 280b
Ending f. 300a followed by the Psalms for Sunday Vespers very
badly written.
The kalendar is clearly Dominican. Besides the Saints and Anniversaries of this order we have :
Jan. 15. Alani Abb. Aug. 20. Bernhardi Abb.
Mar. 17. Gerdrudis. 25. Ludovici R.
Ap. 24. Adalbert m. Sept. 17. Lamperti ep. m.
May 4. Corone domini. 28. Wenczslai R.
13. Seruacii Ep. Oct. 21. Undecim mill. Virg. in red.
July 15. Procopii Abb. 23. Seuerini Ep.
The Saints of the order – Dominic, Thomas Aquinas, Vincent Ferrer, Katherine of Siena are prominent in the Proper of Saints.
The book probably comes from some place on the lower Rhine.
Exhibited at the Splendours of Flanders exhibition held at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, July to September 1993. See the catalogue no. 25.