Vellum, 10.25 x 7, ff. 408 + 1, double columns of 48 lines. 13th cent., in a good English hand.
Donor, Carolus Hotham, A. M. Soc. 1689.
Collation : 14 212 – 3412 358, 1 flyleaf.
Prologues. a. Frater Ambrosius. b. Desiderii mei.
Kalendar in red, blue, green and black, four months on a page. . f. 3b
Genesis (f. 5) – 2 Chron. Proll. to Jos., Reg., Chron.
Ezra-Neh., Tob., Judith, Esther, Job (proll.).
Psalter, Gallican. Prol.: Psalterium Rome dudum.
Prov. (prol.) – Ecclus. Oratio Salomonis.
Isa. – Dan. (proll.). Baruch.
Hosea (prol.) – Malachi.
1, 2 Macc. Argument.
Evv. (proll.). Acts (prol.) ends: per quem incipiet totus mundus
Cath. Epp. (prol.). Paul. Epp. (arguments). Apoc. (prol. Iohannes
apostolus). Expl. lib. apoc. extremus liber biblioteche.
On f. 380b, left blank, was a full-page pencil drawing of the
, with the Virgin and St John, which has been mostly
rubbed out.
Proper Prefaces and Canon, etc., of the Mass . . . 381
Offices for the year, forming what may be called an abbreviated
Missal . . . . . . . 382
Interpretationes nominum in quadruple columns . . 389
Aaz, etc., ending imperfectly in T. (Tholmai).
The initials are usually in gold with curious green flourishing.
In the Kalendar:
Jan. 17. Speusippi, Eleusippi, Meleusippi, MM.
Feb. 4. Gileberti Conf., in blue.
Mar. 1. Albini ep. C.
Ap. 11. Guthlac.
May 7. Johannis ep. C. de Beuerlaco, in red.
June 8. Willelmi archiep. in red.
Sept. 19. Sequani Abb.
Oct. 12. Wilfridi Ep. c.
13. Transl. S. Gileberti C., in red.
Nov. 17. Hugonis Ep. Lincoln, in blue.
Among the Masses at the end are one for St Gilbert, and one for the Translation of St Thomas of Canterbury.
The book evidently belonged to a Gilbertine house.
On the flyleaf at end are these notes:
Anno domini mo cco quadragessimo peruenit ad nos hec scriptura. apparuit manus scribens hec uerba. Cedrus alta libani succidetur, etc.
Prophetia Ioachim.
Cum fuerint anni completi mille ducenti
Et decies seni post partum uirginis alme
Tunc Antichristus nascetur demone plenus.
Ioachim in maiori uolumine de concordanciis
Anno dominice incarnationis mo cco l. corruent nobiles et principes, etc.
-anno lxv. Redibit tota grecia ad obedientiam Romane ecclesie, etc.,
with other less interesting notes on the order of the Books, etc.
In the 'abbreviated missal' in this volume there is a Preface for Trinity Sunday which stands as the first of the Proper Prefaces. There is one peculiarity in this Preface. It reads:
Unus est deus unus est dus (dominus)
Though this appears in a few missals the more usual form is
Unus es deus unus es dominus (i.e. in the second person).
There does not seem to be any Proper for Trinity Sunday. The Proper for Pentecost is followed immediately by the Proper for St John the Baptist. There is a Votive Mass of the Trinity which is placed after the Votive for the Holy Spirit. The Gradual follows the form found in Cistercian Missals.