MRJ number
College classmark

Vellum, 6.875 x 4.875, ff. 458, double columns of 50 lines.  13th cent., fine small hand, pointed and black.  Old blue velvet binding.

On flyleaf: Geo. Calvert 3 Maii 1618.

Collation :  116 220 316 – 916 1014 1116 – 2616 276 2816 2918.


Proll.  a.  Frater Ambrosius.  b.  Desiderii mei.

Gen. – 2 Chron.  Prayer of Manasses follows without break, but

    with title in margin.

Ezra, Neh., 1 Esdras (of Apocr.), Tobit – Esther.  Usual proll.

Job (2 proll.).  Psalter Gallican, no prol.

Prov. – Ecclus. (Prov., Eccl., Sap. have proll.).

Isa. – Mal. (Baruch follows Ezekiel.  xii Prophets have proll.).

1, 2 Macc. (proll. of Rabanus).

Evv. (Mt. has 2 proll., the rest single).  Paul. Epp. (arguments).

Cath. Epp. (prol.).  Acts (prol.).  Apoc. (prol. of Gilbert).

Explicit iste liber scriptor sit crimine liber.

In another hand:

Table of Epistles and Gospels for the year, the Sanctoral incomplete            423

Interpretationes nominum in triple columns        .               .               .               425

          Aaz – Zuzim.

There are two historiated initials, viz.:

            Prol.  .  Genesis.  .

A few others are in gold and colour, but most in red and blue only.

Manuscript images