Vellum, 6.5 x 4.625, ff. 403 + 4, double columns of 49 lines. 13th cent., very fine hand.
Old morocco binding (xvi-xvii) with gold tooling.
Liber olim Gul. Reyneri Lincolniensis Hospitii de dono Tho. Holcroft de
Valeroyal militis 11 Aug. 1611.
Also the name of John Farnaby.
Collation : a2 (1 lining cover), 112 – 1612 1714 1812 – 3312 34? (five), b2 (2 lining cover).
Proll. a.
Frater Ambrosius. b.
Desiderii mei.
Genesis – 2 Chron.
Proll. to Jos., Reg., Chron.
Ezr., Neh., 1 Esdr. of Apocr., Tob., Jud., Esther, Job
(proll. to Ezra and 4 last).
Hymns. Primo
dierum. Nocte surgentes. Psalter, Gallican.
Proll. a.
Cromatio et Heliodoro. b. Tribus nominibus.
Prov. – Ecclus.
Oratio Salomonis.
Isa. – Malachi (proll. to Isa. – Dan., and Zeph. –
1, 2 Macc.
Evv. (proll.), Paul. Epp. (arguments), Acts (prol.),
Cath. Epp. (proll.).
Apoc. (prol. of Gilbert).
Aad. – Zuzim.
Prologues to Eccl., Sap., Hosea – Micah.
Prol. to Romans.
Primum queritur.
Romani sunt qui ex iudeis
-ad pacem et concordiam cohortatur.
Hymns. Lucis
creator. Magne deus.
celi. Plasmator hominis.
ingens. O lux beata.
Celi deus.
Another hand: List of
Liturgical Gospels arranged under Luc., Jo., Matt., Marc.
The following historiated initials occur:
Proll. Man writing, defaced (). Cock ().
Genesis. Seven
quatrefoils illustrating the seven days of Creation: a square panel at bottom,
of the Crucifixion with Mary and John ().
Exod. Moses with
rod leads Jews through water ().
Lev. Moses with
sword holds lamb. Jew on R. and
ram ().
Num. Moses
addresses Jews (). Deut. Moses and ?Joshua lay their hands on a
wooden chest (the ark) standing on feet ().
Jos. Joshua on L.,
Christ on R. (). Jud. Warrior and Christ (). Ruth. Elimelech and Naomi ().
1 Reg. Philistine kills one of Eli’s sons, another
Philistine in mail carries off the ark ().
2 Reg. Saul pierces himself, the Amalekite supports
him ().
3 Reg. David in bed. Courtier and Abishag stand by ().
4 Reg. Two men attack a tower ().
1 Par. Group of men (). 2 Par. Solomon as
king ().
Ezra. Cyrus points
up to mason (). Neh. Artaxerxes holds fleur-de-lys. Nehemiah on L. ().
1 Esdr. Jews kneel at altar with lamb ().
Tobit. Tobit
sleeps, bird flies away (). Judith
beheads Holofernes ().
Esther, below, touches sceptre of king above (). Job, seated, friend and wife on R. ().
Psalter. i. David with harp (). ii. Samuel anoints
David (). iii. David points to his face.
Christ on R. ().
iv. Fool with club and
cake (). v. David in water: Christ above ().
vi. David plays on bells (). vii.
Two clerks sing at desk ().
viii. Christ with orb blessing ().
Prov. Solomon with
birch rod. Rehoboam nude sits reading (). Eccl. like Nehemiah ().
Cant. Coronation
of the Virgin (). Sap. Two robed men, one with sword (). Ecclus. Woman holding casket or tower ().
Isaiah, seated, two men saw his head (). Jeremiah, stoned by two men (). Baruch, nimbed, writing (). Ezekiel, sleeping, the four beasts
above (). Daniel lays his hands on
two lions: in a mound ().
Hosea addresses Gomer.
Head of Christ on R. (). Joel
addresses two Jews ().
Amos points to tower (?) on R. Two men on L. (). Obadiah in bed addressed by angel? (). Jonah emerges from fish:
tower above (). Micah adresses a
man (). Nahum looks at falling
tower (). Habakkuk holds pitcher
and loaf: an angel seizes his hair (). Zephaniah. Christ’s head in sky (). Haggai, same subject in different
form (). Zechariah with censer
behind altar (). Malachi, like
Zephaniah ().
1 Macc. Mattathias attacks the apostate Jew (). 2 Macc. A man gives a letter to a messenger ().
Matt. Jesse
sleeps, a tree with two figures above (). Mark
with scroll ().
Luke. Zacharias
with censer, altar on R. (). John,
single figure ().
Romans. Paul addresses
two Jews (). 1 Cor. Paul seated (). 2 Cor. Paul seated (). Gal. Paul standing with sword (). Eph. Paul seated with sword (). Phil. Paul seated with book (). Col. Paul seated with book (). 1 Thes. Paul standing with sword and book (). 2 Thes. Paul seated with sword and book (). 1 Tim. Paul standing with sword and book (). 2 Tim. Paul seated with book (). Titus. Paul seated with sword and book (). Philemon. Paul seated with sword and book (). Heb. Paul addresses two
Jews ().
Acts. Virgin and
Apostles: feet of Christ seen above ().
James. single figure ().
1, 2 Peter. Peter with
keys ( and ).
1 John. John writing at desk (). 2 John. John seated with book (). 3 John. John standing with book (). Jude. single figure ().
Apoc. John writing. Towers of the seven churches behind ().
The work is minute, but not very specially fine.
- Initial incorporating a rabbit -
- Initial incorporating evangelistic emblem of St John -