Browne 1410 (formerly K.5). Psalms of David etc. Arabic.
Paper. 205 x 145mm. 128 fos. Collation: 18, 212, 38, 412, 512, 610-1110, 128, 138. 17th cent?
Good, clear Naskhi, rubricated. 15 lines to a page.
Blind-tooled red goatskin Islamic binding with flap.
The Psalms of David, followed by at-Tasabihu'l-'ashara.
On the front flyleaf is written 'Psalmi Dauidis cum sacris canticis quibusdam, uti Magnificat, et Cant Simeonis in fine.'
1710 College bookplate inside back cover.
Given by Richard Holdsworth (1590-1649), Fellow 1613-37. See MS U.2: 'Rec. fro[m] Dr Holdesworth being his owne gift Arabick books 11' (f.1v); 'Psalmi Davidis' (f.46v).