Browne 1411 (formerly K.6). Ummu'l-Barahin. Arabic and Turkish.
Paper. 190 x 130mm. 160 fos. Collation: 2 flyleaves, 110-1610. 17th cent?
Good Naskhi, rubrics in gold, within gold margins. 11 lines to a page. Title in gold within gold circle on fo.1r. Gold and red headpiece on fo.1v.
Gold and red tooled black goatskin Islamic binding with flap.
An account of Sayyid Ahmad ibn Abi'l-Hasan ar-Rufa'i, entitled Ummu'l-Barahin, the preface in Arabic, the remainder in Turkish.
On a loose sheet of paper inside the front cover is written 'Quaedam meditationes tralatae per principem Barahaeorum. Sunt autem quorundam satellitum, Haricaeorum Sultani, siue regis, viz. Domini magni Achmad filii 蟿慰蠀 Abi'lhasana-rraphahy-'lhaseini.'
1710 College bookplate inside back cover.
Given by Richard Holdsworth (1590-1649), Fellow 1613-37. See MS U.2: 'Rec. fro[m] Dr Holdesworth being his owne gift Arabick books 11' (f.1v); 'Preculae sive meditationes partim Arabicae partim Turcicae' (f.46v).