Or. 1. Khulasat al-Tawarikh. Persian.
Paper. 305 x 195 mm (text area 216 x 123 mm). 373 fos. Kashmir, 1851.
16 lines to a page. Nasta'liq script in black ink, significant names or events in red, catchwords and colophon. Text ruled in gold, blue and red, outer margin ruled in dark purple. 4 illuminated headpieces, 14 illustrations. Some folios with staining confined to outer margin, otherwise in very good condition. Red leather binding.
This history of India begins with mythological roots, such as the Mahabharata, and goes up to the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh (1792-1839), Sikh ruler and unifier of the Punjab.
The 14 illustrations are in the bold and vivid Kashmiri style, juxtaposing simple architectural and arboreal motifs with delicate attention to detail of dress and hair. They are as follows.
fo.1v: illuminated headpiece.
fo.72r: illuminated headpiece.
fo.76v: scene from the Mahabharata.
fo.77v: game scene with two princes.
fo.98r: prince and his retinue dining beside a fire.
fo.124r: illuminated headpiece; beginning of section on Muslim rulers of India.
fo.142r: battle between two rulers.
fo.168r: enthroned ruler and princess with attendants.
fo.196r: battle scene.
fo.203v: illuminated headpiece; beginning of section on Babur.
fo.209r: Babur enthroned with falcon.
fo.251r: a besieged fortress.
fo.303r: Jahangir enthroned with falcon.
fo.327v: Shah Jahan enthroned with falcon.
fo.347v: a ruler enthroned with falcon, with musicians, a dancer and attendants.
fo.362v: Mohammed Shah enthroned with falcon.
fo.365v: a ruler visits a Hindu shrine with his family.
fo.372r: Maharaja Ranjit Singh enthroned.
Purchased from Sam Fogg Rare Books and Manuscript, London, Sept. 2001.