St John's College H.26 (James 290)
Catalogue of the books of Thomas Baker. English and Latin, mid eighteenth century
'Catalogue of Mr Bakers Books', ie, of the books of Thomas Baker, Fellow and benefactor of St John's College (1656-1740), apparently compiled some time shortly after Baker's death. The titles are arranged by size, from folio down. Bibliographical detail is generally thin. The list of approximately 900 volumes represents those books bequeathed by Baker to the College, as opposed to the many volumes he had already presented to St John's in his lifetime. Some attempt has been made to count the books: there are 204 octavos and 333 duodecimos. The classes in which these books were to be found in the Upper Library are listed on the original paper cover. Cf Frans Korsten, A Catalogue of the library of Thomas Baker (Cambridge, 1990), pp. xxvii-xxviii.
330x210 mm. 40 fos (28 to end blank). Written on recto only apart from fo. 12v. On the original back cover 'Ropers life and death of Sr Tho. More / Hearn / Grey's answer to Neal', and in another hand, similar to one of those found in the main list: 'W (?) Martin'. College bookplate (nineteenth century) inside front cover.
Two, or perhaps three hands, mid-eighteenth century. One of them doubtless that of William Martin, of St John's College (BA 1745), who was paid four guineas for cataloguing Baker's books in 1744 (SJC Archives, Rental Book). Paper, watermarked in part with a 'Pro Patria' device. Rebound in quarter leather on boards, Sep. 1879 (note inside front cover).