St John's College I.8 (James 309, Wagstaff 3481)
Two comedies. Latin, 1600
[Walter Hawkesworth, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, d. 1606], 'Leander', and 'Labyrinthus', two comedies in five acts, with Florentine settings, apparently written for Cambridge commencements. 'Leander' concludes with the date '1599. Jan. 7', and the initials 'H. H.' It was staged at Trinity at the bachelors' commencement, 1603. 'Labyrinthus' was (supposedly) performed before James I at Cambridge in March 1623, It was printed and published London, 1636 (STC 12956). Another MS copy is at CUL, MS Ee.5.16(3).
c. 300x210 mm., 315x220 mm. as boxed; unfol. [32+35]; inscribed by Thomas Baker on fo. [1r]: 'Liber olim ornatiss[imi] viri Thomae Wagstaff'; small College bookplate (eighteenth century) on same folio.
Paper; ink and marginal damage, particularly in first half of vol. Limp vellum binding, now detached. Some pen exercises on back cover. Originally bound in the seventeenth century, re-backed and repaired by S. P. Gray in 1972 (note inside back cover).