St John's College K.32 (James 341)
Proceedings in the Court of Claims for the Coronation of Charles II. Latin and French, c. 1661
'Processus factus ad Coronacionem Serenissimi Domini Caroli secundi Regis Anglie etc. Anno regni sui Decimo tercio' (fo. 5r). A formal contemporary record of the establishment and proceedings in the Court of Claims, May 1661. The records of this Court at the Public Record Office date from the eighteenth century (PRO, C195).
310x220 mm. ii+42+ii fos (blank from fo. 34v). At fo. 2r: 'This MS detailing the proceedings on the coronation of Charles the 2d was given to St John's College by the Revd B. H. Kennedy MA late Fellow of the Society [Benjamin Hall Kennedy, 1804-89]. June 1831'. The MS was formerly classed as E.24 (cancelled at fo. 1v). College bookplate (nineteenth century) inside front cover.
A clean copy in a single, formal court hand. Paper, slightly wormed throughout the original volume, with ruled margins, the text measuring 245x160 mm. Original paper covers, possibly removed from an earlier binding and rebound in blind-tooled brown leather, probably at or around the date of donation. Gilt lettering on spine: 'Proceedings at Coronation of Charles II'.