St John's College K.43 and 44 (James 352 and 353)
William Craven, Notes and drafts of sermons. English, before 1815.
William Craven, Master of St John's College (d. 1815): Notes and drafts for sermons on Gibbon and other subjects. At the end of K.43 there are sermons in other hands on Thessalonians v.17, 'Preached at St Paul's Birmingham on the fifth Sunday after Easter May 11th 1828 A.M.' and on Isaiah xxxiii.6, 'preached for St Paul's Sunday School May 3rd 1829 - morning. Preached in St Bartholomew's Birmingham January 20th 1833 - for the benefit of the National Society.'
248x200 and 220x175 mm. c. 130 fos in each vol (K.43 numbered to p. 225). College bookplate (nineteenth century) inside each front cover.
In Craven's and more than one other hand. Many corrections. Various paper, some in poor condition. Originally a series of notebooks, bound together in nineteenth century uniform with K.41 and 42, perhaps posthumously.