St John's College K.52 (James 533)
Service book. English, eighteenth century
Collection of services and anthems by Childs, Thomas Williams, Tudway, Rogers, Batten, and Aldridge, no date, but eighteenth century. Six-line stave throughout.
315x200 mm. 39 fos (modern foliation, contemporary pagination 1-39 from the front and 12-38 from the back of the volume). College bookplate (nineteenth century) inside front cover. Inscribed 'Found in the Music Room by Dr Garrett (Organist) July 1874' on first flyleaf, with a further inscription below in the hand of the then Librarian, Mr Guy Lee, 'Transferred to Chapel Music Library (Council Minute No. 2256 of 9th February 1962)'.
At least two separate hands. Paper. Blind-tooled leather (nineteenth century), stamped with the College arms in gold, front and rear. Title on spine in gold: 'Musical Service Book MS'.