St John's College M.6 (James 389)
Franciscus Titelman on Job. Latin, 1534
Franciscus Titelman, 'Exposito in Iob, 1534' (fo. iiv). Perhaps the Paraphrastica elucidato in librum D. Iob (Paris, 1550) - there is a copy in Emmanuel College. The colophon on fo. 146v reads: 'Explicit exposito Fratris Francisci Titelmanni hassellensis in librum Job compilata et conscripta per me Fratrem Jodocum anthonium Sol a traiecto veteri van oltricht in conventu Minorum Iovanii anno domini 1534 finis in die Sancte Clare.'
210x145 mm. Modern foliation ii+146+ii fos (c. 200 fos) (14v-15r accidentally left blank by the scribe). College bookplate (eighteenth century) inside front cover. Formerly classified as A.7.8 (inscription inside front cover). From the library of William Crashaw, presented in 1635 by Thomas, Earl of Southampton ('Tho: C. S.' inside front cover, plate on first flyleaf). At some stage it belonged to or passed through the hands of Sir Robert Cotton (signature at top of fo. 1r).
A nice early sixteenth-century hand - without correction or cancellation. Paper; lightly ruled margins. Original limp vellum binding. Repaired and cleaned by George Bolton of J. P. Gray & Son Ltd, Apr. 1979 (inscription on final flyleaf). 'C' on front cover; 'Titlemannus in Iob' on spine.
See P. R. Robinson, Catalogue of dated and datable manuscripts c.737-1600 in Cambridge libraries (Cambridge, 1988) vol. I, pp. 89-90, no. 314; vol. II pl. 369 (fol. 146v).