St John's College S.44 (James 434)
Commonplace. English and Latin, seventeenth century
Anonymous seventeenth-century commonplace, dated items 1635-89. The contents are primarily theological. At fo. 2 is a poem 'On my Lute-strings catte-bitten', with several corrections and additions in another hand, beg.: 'Are these the notes that Poets faine / Have cleerd the Ayre, & calm'd the maine?'; ends: 'And as thy Touch was nothing fine, / So I've but scratch't these Notes of mine.' Notes under a series of headings relating to the government and internal character of the Church, inc. 'Scripture-marks for the discovery of false Teachers, led by one spirit of Antichrist and 1 Joh. 2.18 of errour to oppose the truth of the Gospell' (fo. 9r), and 'Whether Ministers ought to have a Maintenance stated and setled by law, or left to the arbitrary benevolence of others?' (fo. 18r); Notes on 'Popery' (fo. 39v); notes on sermons, 1688-9, and other prayers and exercises in the same large hand run almost throughout the book, from both ends; 'Oratio habita coram Rege, Woodstockiae, die 30 Augusti Anno 1635. 谩 Guliel. Strode publico Academiae Oratore' (fo. 146v); 'Oratio ad serenissimum Regem Carolum, habita in Bibliotheca Bodleiana' a Gulielmo Herbert nobilissimi Comitis Pembrochiae Filio', 30 Aug. 1636 (fo. 145r); 'Sir Kellam Digbie's Farewell to the world' (fo. 142v); pen exercises.
155x104 mm. 147 fos. James maintains 'Olim T.B.' College bookplate (nineteenth century) inside front cover.
At least four different hands. Paper. Leather on boards, the text block nearly detached.