St John's College S.49 (James 437*)
Extracts from the Black Book of Ely. Latin, seventeenth century
Haddenham Rectory, Cambridgeshire: documents apparently relating to the appropriation, copied from the so-called 'Black Book' of Ely Diocese, the copies carefully corrected throughout by Thomas Baker. The original documents where dated are from 1276-91, and cover the entire diocese. There is an 'index', or rather a list of contents, at p. 78.
205x158 mm. ii+78 pp. (contemporary pagination). 'A copie of the black booke', 'papers and documents relating to the diocese of Ely', and 'XIII' on the front cover, in different hands. Another inscription, '... the black booke', has been crossed through. On flyleaf, in Baker's hand: 'De appropriatione ecclesiae de Hadenham Archidiac: Elien: v. Rymer Acta publica Tom: 8. P: 238: an: 1402', and 'Tho: Baker Coll: Jo: Socius ejectus'.
A single seventeenth-century hand, with Baker's numerous autograph corrections. Paper, damaged by damp. Original paper covers, now worn, detached and somewhat damaged.