St John's College S.69 (James 454-61)
John Palmer, Notes on Scriptural subjects. English, early nineteenth century
John Palmer, Fellow of St John's College and Sir Thomas Adams Professor of Arabic at Cambridge (1769-1840): eight notebooks on scriptural subjects. Specifically:
- Genesis to Leviticus;
- Numbers to Joshua;
- Judges to Malachi (though there are no notes on the latter, the sequence actually ending at Zechariah);
- Matthew to Acts;
- Romans to Revelation;
- Esdras I and II;
- Tobit to Maccabees; vChurch Fathers 'etc.'. Principally Clement, Polycarp, and Ignatius. Also includes notes on the development of Greek scripts, and the significance and content of various early Christian manuscripts, including the Codex Bezae at Cambridge University Library.
Manuscript extra information
195x130 mm. Not foliated, but each vol. contains c. 200 fos. College bookplate (nineteenth century) inside each front cover. Bequeathed to the College by the author, together with other papers.
Autograph. Paper; written on rectos only. Where dated, the watermarks are from the 1810s and 1820s. Originally unbound or in paper covers, subsequently half bound in leather with a spine title - summarised contents followed by 'MSS. Notes / Palmer' - in gold, marbled paper on boards.