St John's College W.10
C. W. Previté-Orton, Poems. English, 1902-6
Charles William Previté-Orton, Fellow of St John's College (1877-1947): poems dated between 1902 and 1906. The titles are 'Zayn of the Statues', 'Rhodope', and five 'Epistles in Terza Rima' to 'A.P.O.', 'E.O.', 'E.S.O.' [Ellery Swaffield Orton, his wife], 'J.S.M.W.' [John Sebastian Marlow Ward, of Trinity Hall] and one left unaddressed. The poems are written on rectos, with further notes and corrections on the facing verso.
Manuscript extra information
230x180 mm. [ii]+91+[1] fos. College bookplate inside front cover. Signed on flyleaf, with the date 1902. 'VI' at head of same page, in Previté-Orton's hand. Presented to the College by A. S. Bell, 1966.
Autograph. Paper. Exercise book in original boards.