St John's College W.131

James Brydges Willyams. 'A Tour through France, Switzerland, Part of Savoy and Piedmont, by 2 Pedestrians – Vol 1st'. Notebook. c. 1794.


Letters from James Brydges Willyams (BA 1794) to 'R...... M..... Esquire', transcribed by the author's sister, Charlotte Champion Willyams. The letters describe travels with 'P........', perhaps William St John Patterson (BA 1800).


Manuscript extra information

157 pp. Donated by Richard G. Grylls, June 2024.

Accompanied by three typescript documents by Richard G. Grylls: 'James Brydges Willyams (1772–1820)' (5 pp.), 'A Very Brief Biography of the Rev'd Willian St John Patterson (c. 1770–1813) and Notes on the Identification of 'P........' (16 pp.), and 'The Rev'd John Palmer (1769–1840): A Few Notes' (3 pp.).