St John's College W.3 (part) (James 358)

Thomas Balguy, Lectures on Moral Philosophy. English, c. 1745


Thomas Balguy, of St John's College (1716-95): 'The following Pages contain the outline of a course of Lectures on Moral Philosophy, which were delivered in Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵÏÂÔØ°²×¿ by Dr Balguy and the References are in the Author's own writing' (nineteenth-century inscription on fo. 1r). Two separate sections, running from each end of the vol. Compiled c. 1745.

Manuscript extra information

205x165 mm. 42 fos (15-34 blank) (modern foliation). Inscription on fo. 1r in the donor's hand: 'Presented to St John's College, Cambridge, By George Brodrick [1831-1903], recently retired as Warden of Merton College Oxford. Octr 19 1903', with a letter from Brodrick to the Master of St John's; Merton College, 17 Oct. 1903, enquiring whether the donation will be acceptable. Brodrick died three weeks after making the donation. From what is said in this letter, it is certain that the MS came from the Warden's House at Merton, though whether from Brodrick's personal papers is not entirely clear. According to the Library Committee minute for 9 Feb. 1920 St John's subsequently had to purchase this volume. College bookplate inside front cover.

Part, or perhaps wholly autograph. The section written upside-down on fos 42-35 is in a different hand, perhaps also that of Balguy. Paper with 'Pro Patria' watermark; fos 2-14 ruled on recto only. Contemporary paper covers on card, somewhat worn and torn along the edges, carrying quite extensive though faded pen flourishes.