St John's College W.87
Arthur Woollgar Verrall, ‘Notes of Lectures on Martial’. Latin, English and Greek 1900.
[Arthur Woollgar Verrall (1851-1912)], autograph manuscript notebook, entitled ‘Notes of Lectures on Martial’, for lectures delivered at Trinity College, Cambridge, Easter 1900. The first part of the notebook contains notes on selections from books VII-XII of M. Val. Martialis epigrammata selecta, edited by F.A. Paley and W.H. Stone (c.1868). The notebook also contains ten pages of mathematical equations; a handwritten extract from H.F. Pelham’s Outlines of Roman History (1893); and notes on the Lesser Socratics and Plato’s theory of ideals. Verrall was a British classicist, student and later Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. He graduated with a BA in 1872 as 2nd Classic. In 1874, he was elected Fellow of Trinity College and was a lecturer, 1877-1911. He was appointed King Edward VII Chair of English at Cambridge in February 1911.
227x175 mm. Folio approx. [99] pages. Paper. Given by Arthur Guy Lee, 2001.