Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-2001), astronomer

Boxes | | 21-30 | | | | | | | | | |

N.B. To request access to material marked Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family please contact the Special Collections Librarian (tel. 01223-339393).

Box 21


  1. MS and typescript A first look at the universe.
  2. MS The history of matter; MS a first look; at the universe; MS Galaxies.
  3. MS The incandescent ones, chapter I The Pass.
  4. Headings Lecture 23, Difficulties in the Previous Treatment. Lecture 24, Length Scales and Units. Lecture 25, New Gravitaional Equations, reference required. Lecture 28, Stella Evolution, The Archean Luminosity of the Sun, Appendix.MS Further considerations of cosmology; MS The Hubble constant and the motion of the Moon; MS On Frenkel & Canonical Tensors; MS Appendix.
  5. Letter to Professor Walcott MS copy.
  6. MS Section 3 Astrophysics.
  7. MS Chapter 4 World geometry and cosmology.
  8. MS Section V Cosmology.
  9. MS Section II Basic ideas and instruments.
  10. MS chapter 1 The environmentalists; MS chapter 7 Delays and losts; MS chapter 8 The day the dam broke; MS chapter 11 Coal; MS chapter 13 The strange report of Dr Z. Medvedev; MS part of chapter 18; MS notes on nuclear industry.
  11. MS Early Lectures c.1976 on Origin of Life.
  12. MS The physics-astronomy frontier FH and JVN.


Box 22


  1. Dalton lecture 1977; Einstein Review 1979.
  2. MS and typescript Chapter 1 Life inside comets; MS and typescript Chapter 2 Descent from space.
  3. MS On the origin of the microwave background, first draft 1974.
  4. MS Beyond contemporary thought, 1973. Talk.
  5. Typescript speech by William A. Fowler 'Friends of Y', delivered at The Athenaeum 26 Feb. 1975; Invitation: The Friends of Caltech Y cordially invite you to an evening with Sir Fred Hoyle and Mr. Ray Bradbury discussing "The promise of science fiction: prophetic or profane" ... February 26, 1975 The Athenaeum and Beckman Auditorium; Transcript of proceedings at this event headed Bradbury and Hoyle - "Science Fiction".
  6. MS A Solar Model with Low Neutrino Emission, 1974.
  7. Typescript Highly condensed objects, George Darwin Lecture 11 Oct. 1968.
  8. Photocopy of MS The direct particle theory in quantum electrodynamics, Second Conference on Atomic Physics July 1970.
  9. Photocopy of MS On the nature of compact objects, lecture Papal Conference Rome April 1970; Photocopy of typescript The solar nebula, lecture IAU Brighton August 1970.
  10. Photocopy of typescript General review of cosmological theories, lecture Uppsala Symposium August 1970.
  11. Typescript The Karl G. Jansky Lecture The relationship of astronomy and physics, Sept. 1969.
  12. Headings to papers. Astronomy and Space Research. Know Then Thyself. Further Reflections on the Subjective Present. Education and Research. The Poetry of Earth in Never Dead. MS Columbia Lectures.
  13. Caltech 1974? Smit and Hoyle Program Typed and corrected.
  14. MS Calculations of the 2.1µ 13µ emission from infrared sources using transmittance data for polysaccharides.
  15. MS Venice after dinner speech and lecture.
  16. Photocopy of MS A note on the Hoyle-Narlikar theory of gravitation by PCW Davies; FH MS workings.
  17. MS Preface to Fifth Planet.
  18. New Scientist Vol. 34 No. 541, 20 April 1967 (p.134 The Molecule Club by FH).
  19. Papers 1961-65 re Rockets in Ursa Major, play at the Mermaid Theatre, London.
  20. Photocopies of letters and newspaper clippings re continuous creation 1952. Letters FH to Sir Harold Spencer Jones and Letters Spencer Jones to FH. Letter from Hopkins of The Physical Society, 6 May 1949, concerning not printing MS of A New Model for the Expanding Universe.
  21. Part of MS 1970. Chapter Headings and Contents.
  22. MS The territory of Yela. Notes (Incandesent Ones).
  23. Original MS of Copernicus Book.
  24. MS Chapter II The origin of the Planets. Untitled.
  25. Assorted Letters 1972-82, one from Bob Fuller; From virus to cosmology by FH (Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Vol. 76 Feb. 1983); The article the BMJ refused to publish! Space the origin of life source of human disease (British Medicine).


Box 23


  1. How a RUBIK CUBE Works: Milne Lecture '78: Article, Cambridge Society: Personal Comments on the History of Nuclear Astrophysics: Letters: A Dénouement, Final, Development, Letter to GH: Notes : Letter from Athenaeum '66: Letter from Margaret Thatcher: Letter '58 from Vice Chancellor of CU Inviting FH to The Plumian Professorship: Small Sketch: Letter from FH's Mother in Hospital arrived after her death: Verse by BH.
  2. MS Play/TV series Isaac Newton: PAD MS Definition of Model: PAD MS Comets - Bugs from Space: Folder Letters: Assorted Letters.
  3. Letters and cards to FH and BH 1959, 61, 70-82
  4. The public sector as a company J.R. Hemsted (photocopy from The Investment Analyst Sept. 1973); Lunaheat warming the northern regions in the third millennium H.H. Anderson (photocopy from Chartered Mechanical Engineer Dec. 1976); typescript poem Eclipse 1976; Typescript poem Ruminations; Cutting Professor, scientist, fiction writer and ... stargazer.
  5. MS The Cassiopeia affair; MS workings including The spontaneous transition probability from the point of view of Fourier series; Typescript letter from FH to the Editor of The Times, 7 June 1966; Typescript letter from FH to the Editor of the Sunday Times, 13 June 1966; Typescript review of FH's October the first is too late by John Newell.
  6. Cuttings and photocopies of cuttings 1968-72; Letters re FH's Men and galaxies.
  7. MS Star-dust (in)to everyman.
  8. Typescript The developing crisis in astronomy, Henry Norris Russell Lecture presented at the Seattle meeting of the American Astronomical Society April 8-12 1972.


Box 24


  1. MS Einstein a centenary volume, review by FH; Photocopy of MS Mermaid Lecture; MS Appendix for The Quasar Controversy Resolved note on the effect of aberration on the alignment of quasar triplets by FH and J. Narlikar; Typescript The vogue of science fiction; MS Speech at Grange May 1980 for BNES Conference; MS letter to The Times re Rothschild report Jan. 1972, letters of thanks 1971, press cuttings 1971; MS Rede Lecture; MS and typescript Centenary of birth of Eamon de Valera, lecture given by FH Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies; MS and photocopy Fremantle Lecture, Balliol College Oxford 28 April 1983; MS Foreword: Jayant Narlikar: Relativity by FH; MS and photocopy of letter to William A. Fowler 11 Jan. 1983; Fragments of MS.
  2. Letter to Mr Martin: Talk for fuel Luncheon Club: MS European Management Forum '78: Lecture Iran '77, Astrochemistry and the Economic Condition of Man: Mond Lecture, The Case for Nuclear Energy: Oxford Poly Degree Day: Dent Book Synopsis and Overview: Picture of FH: Notes on Disease from Space: Letter to RV Jones: MS Typed of Iran Lecture: MS Typed some of Cosmology and Astrochemistry as the Determinants of the Economic Condition of Man.
  3. Letters, Events of '72 Cambridge: MS Cosmology and Astrochemistry as Determinants of the Economic Condition of Man.
  4. MS SI Units A System for Fools: PAD MS The Giants of Universal Park: PAD MS Influenza - A Genetic Virus with External Trigger: PAD MS Life in Our Galaxy.
  5. Letters 1977-83.
  6. Notebook '33 early scientific papers. RA Lyttleton?
  7. 2x Linton Players Program: Copy of Letter that started the New Physics.  


Box 25


  1. Lists of lectures, talks and articles. 
  2. Early Jansky Lecture Greenbank: Lecture Salt Lake City, Individualism: Copy LSE Lecture '67:  One Copy LSE Lecture:  MacMillan Lecture '72 Astronomical Instruments and their Construction: MS Massive Objects Symposium at WA Fowler's Birthday bash '71: Typed George Darwin Lecture Royal Society '68: MS George Darwin Lecture: MS Astronomy in the 1970's: MS Science and Modern Civilisation Melbourne '69: MS Seattle Lecture Dauz: MS Lauritsen Memorial Lecture '71: MS Trieste Lecture: MS American Physical Society Lecture '68: Physics and Society in the 1970's: IAU Brighton '70 The Solar Nebula: IAU Uppsala '70 General Review of Cosmological Theories: MS Royal Institution '69 Special Relativity: MS Bakerian Lecture '68.
  3. SRC Documents MS: The Origin of the Planets: Astronomical Instruments and Man Power Problems: SRC Document: The Origin of the Planets: MS A Contradiction in the Argument of Malthus: MS Pages: Institute of Theoretical Astronomy: Notes on IOTA: MS Institute Report '72: MS Dainton/Rothschild Report '71: MS British National Centre for Optical Astronomy: MS Copy Death of a President: Copy Cosmic Evolution '67: Typed The Asymmetry of Time.MS Odd Sheets of MS of Lecture: Cosmic Evolution/ Encyclopaedia Britannica: MS Cosmic Evolution for Encyclopaedia Britannica: '67 North Carolina Leadership The World in 1980: MS Drafts of the World in 1980: MS Draft of The World in 1980 ca '68.
  4. IOTA opening speech 1967. MS Alpine Club Dinner '68: MS Speech on receiving Kalinga Prize, India '67: MS Houston '70: MS WA Fowler Birthday Dinner Speech: Typed MS WAF Birthday '71: Copies of Speeches: Yorkshire Ramblers '71 MS Talk.
  5. Newspaper cutting on  opening on IOTA. Recital: movements, variations, and fantasises
  11. MS The Molecule Men: MS Notes: Part Letter from Hailsham: Workings: XV MS Life for Life, Eye for Eye: MS The Terror of the Universe '66.


Box 26


  1. MS Short Stories Element '79: MS Typed Short Stories Element '79.
  2. Notes on The Astronauts Play with JB Priestley: Typed copy of contribution to Weekend Book. Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family.
  3. Copy Preface for Seven Steps to the Sun: Synopsis on New TV Series for NBC: Typed Version on the New TV Series: Typed Notes for Electronic Machines - A for Andromeda: MS BH The Sun: MS FH The Martian Chronicles (Ray Bradbury) Preface: FH and BH Handwritten.
  4. MS The Inferno.
  5. MS Loch Ness Monster III: Letter back of PAD.
  6. MS The Monster (Loch Ness Monster) I.
  7. MS The Monster (Loch Ness Monster) II.
  8. GH MS Loch Ness Monster.
  9. MS The Inferno '71 Parts I-V.
  10. Preface to John Collier Book MS (BH) and Typed plus Typed with FH Corrections.


Box 27


Items 2-6 closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family.

  1. Letters to Dr Tuson, Professor Mestel: Notes on QSOs: 2 x Letters from George Jones, reply from FH. 
  2. MS short stories The Martians poss Element 79. 
  3. Early MS October 1st is Too Late. 
  4. Notes on Seven Steps to the Sun 
  5. Letter to BH from Michael McCarthy, 12 July 1968, on production of Rockets in Ursa Major: MS Play Rockets in Ursa Major: Gloucester House Magazine 4 (4), Summer 1968.
  6. MS Play Interspersed with Mathematical Jottings. MS 1st Draft Script of possible screenplay of Ossians Ride: MS New Story Line for Ossians Ride - to accompany script entitled The Tomorrowmakers: Press Cuttings, Ossians Rides and An Analysis of the Structure of Ossians Ride: Envelope containing letter from Helen Winston: Notes by GH: Other Notes: Thoughts on the structure of Ossians Ride: MS by FH and BH: MS Pages from Play.  MS Suggested Story Based on Ossians Ride for a Film. MS Play Tomorrowmakers: Part MS Corrections to Tomorrowmakers.  Typed Play The Tomorrowmakers written by JB Priestley.  Typed script unpublished, The Tomorrowmakers from Ossian's Ride FH signature on front: MS without signature: MS Copy of Part of The Tomorrowmakers. 3 x typed copies of The Tomorrowmakers.
  7. Press cuttings re Ossian's Ride 
  8. Notes on Stonehenge
  9. Desert Island Discs Script.  


Box 28


  1. Telegraph Sunday Magazine No.453, 30 June 1985, p.9 'Man of the week Sir Fred Hoyle' by Geoffrey Wansell.
  2. Newsweek 25 May 1964, FH on cover and pp.63-67.
  3. Paris Match No.621, 4 March 1961, pp.82-87 'Brouilles a cause de la creation du monde' (re FH and Ryle).
  4. Cuba Ano I No.2, May 1962, pp.56-63 'Revolucion en el cielo' by FH.
  6. Review by FH of The story of Jodrell Bank by Sir Bernard Lovell, The Sunday Times, 26 May 1968 p.57.
  7. The Observer profile Fred Hoyle, photocopy from The Observer, 8 Oct. 1961 p.4.
  11. The University of Leeds. Congregation for the conferment of honorary degrees 15 May 1969. Presentation addresses. Includes address to FH by Prof. Cowling.
  12. The Melbourne Oration by Professor Fred Hoyle, F.R.S. Wilson Hall, The University of Melbourne Monday, 3 March 1969. Order of proceedings.
  13. Menu, toasts, music, table plan and list of guests for The Lord Mayor's Midsummer Banquet at The Mansion House, London, 24 June 1969.
  14. Poppy day rag in Cambridge, The Evening News 10 Nov. 1961. Front page has picture of GH.
  15. Benson J. Simon, ‘Scientists visit engineer office to see land color phenomena’
  16. "Risk of collision" 1st draft script. Typescript with MS emendations.
  17. 2 typescript copies of Rockets in Ursa Major. 2 greetings telegrams to FH at the Mermaid Theatre London from Hevina and Ony, and Tony and Viv, April 1962. Souvenir menu 1st night of "Rockets in Ursa Major" Wednesday 11th April 1962. With signatures.


Box 29


  1. MS Workings June 31, July 18 '77: MS Copy 1/06/77, Polysaccharides and Infrared Spectra of Galactic Sources: Notes and Workings by NCW: Typed Copy Polysaccharides and Infrared Spectra of Galactic Sources, FH and NCW.
  2. Typed Paper Freeman J Dyson, The Fundamental Constants and Their Time Variation: Note on Paper FH to Willy Fowler - Re OS Chronology.
  3. Reprints Relating to SS Cosmology: Letter to FH from NVJ.
  4. Most Recent Work on Metallic Whiskers: Printed Matter: MS Introduction by FH: Notes and Workings FH: MS Letter C.W.
  5. Cosmology Printed Matter and White Holes.
  6. Quasar Controversy: MS Letter JVN to FH: Workings JVN to FH: Workings FH: Additional Notes on Quasars FH: MS The Quasar Controversy Resolved FH ca '80.
  7. New Investigation : Reprints: MS Relativistic Calculations ca '80: Paper Magnetic Monopoles and Halos of Galaxies, FH: Paper What is a Spiral Galaxy, FH: MS On the Significance of Arp's Galaxy - QSO Associations: Working FH.


Box 30


  1. Dirac Monopoles: Papers: Letters: Typed Magnetic Monopoles and the Halos of Galaxies, FH: MS Magnetic Monopoles and the Halos of Galaxies ca '82, '83.
  2. Dirac Monopoles: Papers: Letters: Rough Draft Revised by Willy Fowler on Monopoles and the Halos of Galaxies: MS Letter from Willy Fowler: Copy of Scientific American '82 Article on Monopoles by RA Carrington and W Peter.
  3. Terrestrial Atmosphere: Printed Matter, Various Authors: MS letter to FH from Keith Bigg?
  4. Early Solar System: Printed Matter Various Authors.
  5. On Tektites: Printed Matter, Various Authors.
  6. Meteorites: Zodial Light: Printed Matter, Various Authors.
  7. Graphite Water: Printed Matter, Various Authors: Graph by FH.
  8. Infrared and Optical Constants: Printed Matter, Various Authors.
  9. Interstellar Reddening: NADA Data: Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Publications: Vol 5 No2/Vol3, No6/Vol 6, Nos 2 and 3/ Vol 5, No 3 / Vol 5, No 11/. Other Papers, Various Authors.
  10. 1021 H Atom/mg of Visual Extinction: MS FH Tables/Graphs: MS Workings: Papers: Printed Matter, Various Authors: Letters.