Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-2001), astronomer

Boxes | | | 31-40 | | | | | | | | |

N.B. To request access to material marked Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family please contact the Special Collections Librarian (tel. 01223-339393).

Box 31


  1. FH Workings and Tables.
  2. MS On the Effects of Irregularities of Internal Structures in Determining the Ultraviolet Properties of Interstellar Grains: Notes to C.W: MS pages.
  3. MS Copy The Observational Material: Paper, Various Authors MS Notes, Graphs and Tables.
  4. Paper, Comets, RA Lyttleton: Papers, Various Authors: Copy New Scientist (Comet Halley Story): Copy The Comet Giacobini - Zinner Handbook: File: Comets, Papers Various Authors: Letter.
  5. Origin of Solar System: MS Rotation of the Planets: Papers, Various Authors.
  6. Solar System: Papers, Various Authors.
  7. Papers: JC Willis.
  8. Plague of Athens: Papers, Various Authors: Papers on Diseases, Various Authors.
  9. Various Extracts from Nature.
  10. Photocopies of letters and newspaper cuttings re Darwinism, 1981; Photocopy of On the tendency of species to form varieties and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selection by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace; photocopies from Nature 1869-70.
  11. MS Wallace or Darwin?; Letters, papers and MS re Darwin. Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family.


Box 32


  1. Darwin Handwriting: Letters: Hookers Letters and Family Letters: MS FH Notes: Various Reprints, Darwin, Wallace, Blyth.
  2. History: Darwin, Wallace, Huxley etc. Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family.
  3. Jottings and Letters FH and Various other Authors - Re Darwin: File on Wallace: File Francis Darwin / John Murry Letters.
  4. Darwin Book / Hookers Letters: Asa Gray Memorandum Copperplate: Appendix F Lyell on Darwin: Appendix B Varieties of Animals, Edward Blyth.
  5. Copy BJP, Article on Archaeopteryx: Various Articles on Archaeopteryx, Various Authors: MS Archaeopteryx - The Primordial Bird a case of Forgery.


Box 33


  1. Articles: Letters: Photos: Magazine Various Authors: Archaeopteryx.
  2. Subject Archaeopteryx: Letters, MS FH: Magazine: Printed Material, Various Authors.
  3. Influenza: Letters, Analysis of Influenza Epidemics in Schools FH and CW, Graphs: MS Some Reasons for Doubling the Authenticity of Archaeopteryx: Influenza School Study Returns.
  4. Influenza School Study Returns.
  5. Influenza School Returns, Special Analysis.


Box 34


  1. Influenza (Possibly Book, Diseases from Space): Analysis of Schools Taking Part: Paper on Subject.
  2. Influenza in Schools, Schools Survey, 1978 - 79.
  3. MS Life in the Universe.
  4. Press Cuttings: Medical Cards: Old Passports: CUCC Life Membership Card: Eye Sight Test Results: Various Letters: FH National Registration Identity Card: Name Holder '58 Moscow: Certificate Of Honours Years 1927 - 1930 From Church of England Temperance Society (Singing).
  5. Letters, Election to National Academy of Sciences 29/04/69.
  6. Photo of Drawing of FH: Envelope containing Newsweek '64 Cover and Article.
  7. The Royal Society A Brief Guide to its Activities: Typed MS Notes, Anecdotal, Various Authors.
  8. Early Biographical Notes and Letters by Various Authors.
  9. Letters Various Authors: Other Part of HAILSHAM Letter.
  10. Jokes File.


Box 35


  1. For Updating A and C: Peter van de Kampe's Paper on Bernards Star: More Biographical Details.
  2. Fellow of RSPB: National Geographic Society: Envelope Containing MS Diary of Trip to USA in 1952 and Cosmological Notes.
  3. Program 44 Seminar Day Caltech '81: Certificate of Membership to the Explorers Club '78: Royal Medal '74.
  4. Programme '77 Oxford Poly: Photos of Degree Ceremony Newcastle '76: Results of Pistol Shooting Davos '78, Which entrant is FH?: Bradford University '75 Honorary Degree: Invitation to Embassy Lunch: Dalton Dinner Menu: Programme, Royal Institute of Chemistry Dalton Lecture by FH: Menu with Notes by FH: Typed Speeches given at Newcastle, Various Authors including FH: Oxford Poly Ball: Folder Containing Certificates for; University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, American Philosophical Society, The Society of the Sigma Xi, Pahlavi Lecture Series.
  5. Booklets on Anglo Australian Telescope '73 - '93
  6. Account of Early Grammar Schools, Maldon GS 1608 to 1958: Menu for Birthday of Mr and Mrs Muhlman.


Box 36


  1. 2 x The Sciences FH Article '82: Science New FH Article '75: Article Science World '64 Arthur Fisher: 2 x Newsweek, FH Article, '64: New Scientist, FH Article '64: FH Article in Sciences: Front Page of New York Times: The Listener '64, FH Article: More New York Times, '64: The Times Educational Supplement '75: Press Cuttings: 2 x Engineering and Science, FH Article, '75: Time, letter inside: Time, '72: New Scientist '75, p471: Engineering and Science '53 p 11 FH: Article, The Next Ice Age: Cambridge Evening News, Sat 1 Jan '72: 2 x Copies Old Tucson News - Grandpa Fred Visits Famous Old Tucson.
  2. Certificate, Men of Achievement.
  3. Envelopes 1972.
  4. Frontiers of Astronomy 1975, SanGiorgio Island, Venice FH's 60th Birthday.
  5. Letters of Congratulations on New Years Honours List; Manchester and the North, Oxford and South and the Southwest: Cables: London: Cambridge.
  6. Kalinga Prize Letters: Letters from Abroad.
  7. Photocopy of MS Lectures Part III.


Box 37


  1. Typed 'What Britain Needs': Maths Tripos Paper: Workings.
  2. Envelope, Maps of Eire from Paddy Brown.
  3. Lecture, Brown University Rhode Island, Education, Research and the Future: Lecture, Denver, The Formation of Galaxies, Stars and Planets: Letters to Alan Hill: Heinemann Royalty Account '54: Readers Comments: Letter to BH.
  4. Letters: MS, On the Nature of Strong Radio Sources, FH and WAF: Typed Chapter 2, The Equation of Mechanical Equilibrium: Chapter II or III, The Cross Section fro the Proton - Proton Reaction.
  5. MS Chapter, The Spontaneous Transition Probability from the Point of View of Fourier Series: Chapter, The Convergence of the Integrals: Chapter, Quantum Transitions in the Direct Particle Theory of Electromagnetism, with JVN?
  6. Lectures on Gravitation RP Feynman: Paper, The Origin of Cosmic Rays, G Burbidge: Paper, Mach's Principle and the Creation of Matter FH and JVN.
  7. MS Pages, Mathematics, Letters.
  8. Typed Script, The Mathematics of Violence. Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family.
  9. MS, An Institute for Advanced Studies in Theoretical Astronomy: MS Obituary on Walter Baade: MS Note on the Magnetic Structure of the Galaxy FH and JG Ireland: Pages of Rockets in Ursa Major: Letter: MS Notes on Play: Letter from BBC '55: Typed, Continuous Creation, 3rd Program 28 March 1949: MS Corrections, The Mystery of the Cosmic Helium Abundance, FH and RJ Tayler: Paper, MS The C-Field as a Direct Particle Field FH and JVN: Paper MS On the Gravitational Influence of Direct Particle Fields, FH and JVN: MS Notes on Magnetic Stars, '64: MS 2 The Interstellar Gas: Photocopy MS The Dependence of Electromagnetic Coupling on Surface Temperature: Graphs, Pencilled Notes: MS, Religion and the Scientist: Paper MS, Supernovae of Type I and II, FH and WAF: MS Pencil/Pen, The Magnesium Situation: MS Part I, The Formation of Carbon Grains at Stellar Surface, ( Doeheard,T;Goldfinger, P; Whelbrock, F.): MS 5, The Formation of C2 and C3 in Stellar Atmospheres: MS, Galactic and Intergalactic Flares: MS, Pencil Workings: Copy MS plus MS Paper, On the Rotation Speeds of the Stars, T Gold and FH: Typed Part I, A Physicist's View of Time: MS, Pencil, Mid Atlantic, 20 Sept, Play: MS IX, Envelope Explosion: MS Copy Workings: Letter to FH from Bernard Miles: Paper MS, A New Theory of Gravitation by FH and JVN.
  10. MS, Giants from First Principles, Australia Autumn '62.
  11. MS and Typed, Paper, New Cosmic Ray, Burbidge.
  12. Part MS plus Typed: MS Copy, Special Relativity: MS, Notes and Workings: MS, University Research: MS, Tables and Workings: MS, Insertion A on p20: MS, Caltech Seminar.
  13. Copy MS, Chapter I, Abundance of Elements.
  14. MS and Typed, Ten Faces of Universe.
  15. Copy, Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Astronomy.


Box 38


  1. MS Copy, Write up for Surface Zone: Letter from Caltech plus Paper on The Outer Connection Zone of Stars, G Shavir and SM Chitre: Typed Outline for Mathematics in the Making: Note and Paper to FH: MS Notes.
  2. Typed Lectures for Columbia I, II, III, IV.
  3. Cornell Lectures, Typed and MS Corrections.
  4. FH Speculations on Stonehenge. Antiquity, XL, 1966, 262-276; MS Lectures Developments in cosmology; 4 typescript letters to FH from Michael Ram, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1970-71; Advertisement for series of lectures by FH at State University of New York at Buffalo; MS workings; MS letters.
  5. Typed, On Surface Temperatures of a Water-Covered Planet at the Distance of the Order of 1 Au from the Sun. Letters to and From RS: MS, Lockiteed Talk: Paper,Typed, The Quasi - Stellar Objects: CU Reporter '65: Typed Pages with MS Corrections.
  6. MS Cosmological Remarks on Galaxy Formation.
  7. MS Refractive index: Maxwell's equations for Fourier-analysed fields; MS Radiative reaction; MS Initial value problem in electrodynamics; MS Chapter 2 The equation of mechanical equilibrium.
  8. MS Paper, On the Surface Boundary Condition for Stars, J. Faulkner, K Griffiths and FH.
  9. MS Original Calculations - Some Theoretical Aspects of H and K Emissions in Late - Type Stars, FH and O.C. Wilson.
  10. MS Papers by John Faulkner/ FE Clifford/ Letters.
  11. MS On Collapsing Objects.
  12. MS Lecture Notes.
  13. Photocopy of MS captions.
  14. MS, Opening Speech for Anglo Australian Telescope.
  15. MS, A Possible Relation of the 22 - Year Solar Cycle to the Destruction of Lithium: MS, On the Origin of the Universe: MS, MS, Rise and Fall of Man.


Box 39


  1. Letters, Various Authors, '50, '52, '54.
  2. Old News Papers/Birthday?
  3. MS workings; Typescript First synopsis of mathematics in the making - August 1958; Photocopy of memorandum of agreement made 29 April 1958 between Edith Countess Russell and Adprint Ltd; Typescript Watchers of the skies.
  4. MS, The Crisis in Astronomy: MS, Cosmology and Its Relation to the Earth: Typed, Hedgehogs and Foxes: MS, The Crisis in Astronomy: MS, Presidential Address, Royal Astronomical Society: Typed pages.
  5. MS, Workings: MS, Caltech Lectures; Massive Objects.
  6. Typescript with MS additions and corrections Chapter 6 The post-Newtonian era and Chapter 7 Instruments and the nature of light.
  7. Letter and Drawings on Los Angeles Smog.
  8. Typescript, A Physist's View of Time: MS Graph.
  9. Letters, Various Authors: MS, Workings.
  10. Typescript and MS Referee's comments on paper A.229; MS and typescript Reply to a "Referee's" comment by FH and JVN; MS and typescript Notes on the Schwarzschild problem; Typescript letters from FH to Prof. M.J. Lighthill, JVN, and the President of the Royal Society, all dated 16 March 1966; Menu for Athenaeum luncheon 8 March 1966 with MS notes.
  11. MS of Lecture Notes.
  12. Letters and papers re Rathbone Books.
  13. Typescript of Page Barbour Lectures '60.
  14. Assortment of Letters received, Various Authors.
  15. MS letter from FH to Geoff 18 Feb. re cosmic rays; MS workings and notes; letters to FH 1963-4; Typescript On the early history of galaxies and the formation of massive objects by FH and William A. Fowler, rough draft 9/5/63.


Box 40


  1. Papers/Article, Various Authors, Nuclear Research.
  2. Preprint: Erratic Boulders, Ice Ages and Other Matters, EJ Butler and FH: Preprint Erratic Boulders, Ice Ages and Other Matters, EJ Butler and FH, Typed Copy and MS.: Letter, Papers/Articles on Erratic Boulders, Various Authors.
  3. Preprint: The Geology of Northwest England Field Excursion Guide, '80, Oxford Poly. Printed Mater on Erratics in Europe, Various Authors.
  4. Printed Matter (Envelope) Stonehenge, Various Authors.