Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-2001), astronomer
Boxes | | | 31-40 | | | | | | | | |
N.B. To request access to material marked Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family please contact the Special Collections Librarian (tel. 01223-339393).
Box 31
- FH Workings and Tables.
- MS On the Effects of Irregularities of Internal Structures in Determining the Ultraviolet Properties of Interstellar Grains: Notes to C.W: MS pages.
- MS Copy The Observational Material: Paper, Various Authors MS Notes, Graphs and Tables.
- Paper, Comets, RA Lyttleton: Papers, Various Authors: Copy New Scientist (Comet Halley Story): Copy The Comet Giacobini - Zinner Handbook: File: Comets, Papers Various Authors: Letter.
- Origin of Solar System: MS Rotation of the Planets: Papers, Various Authors.
- Solar System: Papers, Various Authors.
- Papers: JC Willis.
- Plague of Athens: Papers, Various Authors: Papers on Diseases, Various Authors.
- Various Extracts from Nature.
- Photocopies of letters and newspaper cuttings re Darwinism, 1981; Photocopy of On the tendency of species to form varieties and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selection by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace; photocopies from Nature 1869-70.
- MS Wallace or Darwin?; Letters, papers and MS re Darwin. Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family.
Box 32
- Darwin Handwriting: Letters: Hookers Letters and Family Letters: MS FH Notes: Various Reprints, Darwin, Wallace, Blyth.
- History: Darwin, Wallace, Huxley etc. Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family.
- Jottings and Letters FH and Various other Authors - Re Darwin: File on Wallace: File Francis Darwin / John Murry Letters.
- Darwin Book / Hookers Letters: Asa Gray Memorandum Copperplate: Appendix F Lyell on Darwin: Appendix B Varieties of Animals, Edward Blyth.
- Copy BJP, Article on Archaeopteryx: Various Articles on Archaeopteryx, Various Authors: MS Archaeopteryx - The Primordial Bird a case of Forgery.
Box 33
- Articles: Letters: Photos: Magazine Various Authors: Archaeopteryx.
- Subject Archaeopteryx: Letters, MS FH: Magazine: Printed Material, Various Authors.
- Influenza: Letters, Analysis of Influenza Epidemics in Schools FH and CW, Graphs: MS Some Reasons for Doubling the Authenticity of Archaeopteryx: Influenza School Study Returns.
- Influenza School Study Returns.
- Influenza School Returns, Special Analysis.
Box 34
- Influenza (Possibly Book, Diseases from Space): Analysis of Schools Taking Part: Paper on Subject.
- Influenza in Schools, Schools Survey, 1978 - 79.
- MS Life in the Universe.
- Press Cuttings: Medical Cards: Old Passports: CUCC Life Membership Card: Eye Sight Test Results: Various Letters: FH National Registration Identity Card: Name Holder '58 Moscow: Certificate Of Honours Years 1927 - 1930 From Church of England Temperance Society (Singing).
- Letters, Election to National Academy of Sciences 29/04/69.
- Photo of Drawing of FH: Envelope containing Newsweek '64 Cover and Article.
- The Royal Society A Brief Guide to its Activities: Typed MS Notes, Anecdotal, Various Authors.
- Early Biographical Notes and Letters by Various Authors.
- Letters Various Authors: Other Part of HAILSHAM Letter.
- Jokes File.
Box 35
- For Updating A and C: Peter van de Kampe's Paper on Bernards Star: More Biographical Details.
- Fellow of RSPB: National Geographic Society: Envelope Containing MS Diary of Trip to USA in 1952 and Cosmological Notes.
- Program 44 Seminar Day Caltech '81: Certificate of Membership to the Explorers Club '78: Royal Medal '74.
- Programme '77 Oxford Poly: Photos of Degree Ceremony Newcastle '76: Results of Pistol Shooting Davos '78, Which entrant is FH?: Bradford University '75 Honorary Degree: Invitation to Embassy Lunch: Dalton Dinner Menu: Programme, Royal Institute of Chemistry Dalton Lecture by FH: Menu with Notes by FH: Typed Speeches given at Newcastle, Various Authors including FH: Oxford Poly Ball: Folder Containing Certificates for; University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, American Philosophical Society, The Society of the Sigma Xi, Pahlavi Lecture Series.
- Booklets on Anglo Australian Telescope '73 - '93
- Account of Early Grammar Schools, Maldon GS 1608 to 1958: Menu for Birthday of Mr and Mrs Muhlman.
Box 36
- 2 x The Sciences FH Article '82: Science New FH Article '75: Article Science World '64 Arthur Fisher: 2 x Newsweek, FH Article, '64: New Scientist, FH Article '64: FH Article in Sciences: Front Page of New York Times: The Listener '64, FH Article: More New York Times, '64: The Times Educational Supplement '75: Press Cuttings: 2 x Engineering and Science, FH Article, '75: Time, letter inside: Time, '72: New Scientist '75, p471: Engineering and Science '53 p 11 FH: Article, The Next Ice Age: Cambridge Evening News, Sat 1 Jan '72: 2 x Copies Old Tucson News - Grandpa Fred Visits Famous Old Tucson.
- Certificate, Men of Achievement.
- Envelopes 1972.
- Frontiers of Astronomy 1975, SanGiorgio Island, Venice FH's 60th Birthday.
- Letters of Congratulations on New Years Honours List; Manchester and the North, Oxford and South and the Southwest: Cables: London: Cambridge.
- Kalinga Prize Letters: Letters from Abroad.
- Photocopy of MS Lectures Part III.
Box 37
- Typed 'What Britain Needs': Maths Tripos Paper: Workings.
- Envelope, Maps of Eire from Paddy Brown.
- Lecture, Brown University Rhode Island, Education, Research and the Future: Lecture, Denver, The Formation of Galaxies, Stars and Planets: Letters to Alan Hill: Heinemann Royalty Account '54: Readers Comments: Letter to BH.
- Letters: MS, On the Nature of Strong Radio Sources, FH and WAF: Typed Chapter 2, The Equation of Mechanical Equilibrium: Chapter II or III, The Cross Section fro the Proton - Proton Reaction.
- MS Chapter, The Spontaneous Transition Probability from the Point of View of Fourier Series: Chapter, The Convergence of the Integrals: Chapter, Quantum Transitions in the Direct Particle Theory of Electromagnetism, with JVN?
- Lectures on Gravitation RP Feynman: Paper, The Origin of Cosmic Rays, G Burbidge: Paper, Mach's Principle and the Creation of Matter FH and JVN.
- MS Pages, Mathematics, Letters.
- Typed Script, The Mathematics of Violence. Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family.
- MS, An Institute for Advanced Studies in Theoretical Astronomy: MS Obituary on Walter Baade: MS Note on the Magnetic Structure of the Galaxy FH and JG Ireland: Pages of Rockets in Ursa Major: Letter: MS Notes on Play: Letter from BBC '55: Typed, Continuous Creation, 3rd Program 28 March 1949: MS Corrections, The Mystery of the Cosmic Helium Abundance, FH and RJ Tayler: Paper, MS The C-Field as a Direct Particle Field FH and JVN: Paper MS On the Gravitational Influence of Direct Particle Fields, FH and JVN: MS Notes on Magnetic Stars, '64: MS 2 The Interstellar Gas: Photocopy MS The Dependence of Electromagnetic Coupling on Surface Temperature: Graphs, Pencilled Notes: MS, Religion and the Scientist: Paper MS, Supernovae of Type I and II, FH and WAF: MS Pencil/Pen, The Magnesium Situation: MS Part I, The Formation of Carbon Grains at Stellar Surface, ( Doeheard,T;Goldfinger, P; Whelbrock, F.): MS 5, The Formation of C2 and C3 in Stellar Atmospheres: MS, Galactic and Intergalactic Flares: MS, Pencil Workings: Copy MS plus MS Paper, On the Rotation Speeds of the Stars, T Gold and FH: Typed Part I, A Physicist's View of Time: MS, Pencil, Mid Atlantic, 20 Sept, Play: MS IX, Envelope Explosion: MS Copy Workings: Letter to FH from Bernard Miles: Paper MS, A New Theory of Gravitation by FH and JVN.
- MS, Giants from First Principles, Australia Autumn '62.
- MS and Typed, Paper, New Cosmic Ray, Burbidge.
- Part MS plus Typed: MS Copy, Special Relativity: MS, Notes and Workings: MS, University Research: MS, Tables and Workings: MS, Insertion A on p20: MS, Caltech Seminar.
- Copy MS, Chapter I, Abundance of Elements.
- MS and Typed, Ten Faces of Universe.
- Copy, Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Astronomy.
Box 38
- MS Copy, Write up for Surface Zone: Letter from Caltech plus Paper on The Outer Connection Zone of Stars, G Shavir and SM Chitre: Typed Outline for Mathematics in the Making: Note and Paper to FH: MS Notes.
- Typed Lectures for Columbia I, II, III, IV.
- Cornell Lectures, Typed and MS Corrections.
- FH Speculations on Stonehenge. Antiquity, XL, 1966, 262-276; MS Lectures Developments in cosmology; 4 typescript letters to FH from Michael Ram, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1970-71; Advertisement for series of lectures by FH at State University of New York at Buffalo; MS workings; MS letters.
- Typed, On Surface Temperatures of a Water-Covered Planet at the Distance of the Order of 1 Au from the Sun. Letters to and From RS: MS, Lockiteed Talk: Paper,Typed, The Quasi - Stellar Objects: CU Reporter '65: Typed Pages with MS Corrections.
- MS Cosmological Remarks on Galaxy Formation.
- MS Refractive index: Maxwell's equations for Fourier-analysed fields; MS Radiative reaction; MS Initial value problem in electrodynamics; MS Chapter 2 The equation of mechanical equilibrium.
- MS Paper, On the Surface Boundary Condition for Stars, J. Faulkner, K Griffiths and FH.
- MS Original Calculations - Some Theoretical Aspects of H and K Emissions in Late - Type Stars, FH and O.C. Wilson.
- MS Papers by John Faulkner/ FE Clifford/ Letters.
- MS On Collapsing Objects.
- MS Lecture Notes.
- Photocopy of MS captions.
- MS, Opening Speech for Anglo Australian Telescope.
- MS, A Possible Relation of the 22 - Year Solar Cycle to the Destruction of Lithium: MS, On the Origin of the Universe: MS, MS, Rise and Fall of Man.
Box 39
- Letters, Various Authors, '50, '52, '54.
- Old News Papers/Birthday?
- MS workings; Typescript First synopsis of mathematics in the making - August 1958; Photocopy of memorandum of agreement made 29 April 1958 between Edith Countess Russell and Adprint Ltd; Typescript Watchers of the skies.
- MS, The Crisis in Astronomy: MS, Cosmology and Its Relation to the Earth: Typed, Hedgehogs and Foxes: MS, The Crisis in Astronomy: MS, Presidential Address, Royal Astronomical Society: Typed pages.
- MS, Workings: MS, Caltech Lectures; Massive Objects.
- Typescript with MS additions and corrections Chapter 6 The post-Newtonian era and Chapter 7 Instruments and the nature of light.
- Letter and Drawings on Los Angeles Smog.
- Typescript, A Physist's View of Time: MS Graph.
- Letters, Various Authors: MS, Workings.
- Typescript and MS Referee's comments on paper A.229; MS and typescript Reply to a "Referee's" comment by FH and JVN; MS and typescript Notes on the Schwarzschild problem; Typescript letters from FH to Prof. M.J. Lighthill, JVN, and the President of the Royal Society, all dated 16 March 1966; Menu for Athenaeum luncheon 8 March 1966 with MS notes.
- MS of Lecture Notes.
- Letters and papers re Rathbone Books.
- Typescript of Page Barbour Lectures '60.
- Assortment of Letters received, Various Authors.
- MS letter from FH to Geoff 18 Feb. re cosmic rays; MS workings and notes; letters to FH 1963-4; Typescript On the early history of galaxies and the formation of massive objects by FH and William A. Fowler, rough draft 9/5/63.
Box 40
- Papers/Article, Various Authors, Nuclear Research.
- Preprint: Erratic Boulders, Ice Ages and Other Matters, EJ Butler and FH: Preprint Erratic Boulders, Ice Ages and Other Matters, EJ Butler and FH, Typed Copy and MS.: Letter, Papers/Articles on Erratic Boulders, Various Authors.
- Preprint: The Geology of Northwest England Field Excursion Guide, '80, Oxford Poly. Printed Mater on Erratics in Europe, Various Authors.
- Printed Matter (Envelope) Stonehenge, Various Authors.