Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-2001), astronomer
Boxes | | | | | | 61-70 | | | | | |
N.B. Items marked as Closed are closed access. To request access to material marked Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family please contact the Special Collections Librarian (tel. 01223-339393).
Box 61
- Faxes: Papers, various Authors including FH: HW, FH Workings, Graphs, Letters: Letters, Various Authors.
- HW, MS, Biochemistry of the Galaxy.
- FH's Amended Draft Typed with corrections 'The Darwinian Priority a Case of Documentary Forgery'. Closed except with the express permission of the Hoyle family
Box 62
- Faxes: MS corrected by FH.
- HW, Workings and Faxes.
- Various reprints. Typescript 'Effects of a circumsolar dust cloud' by FH and NCW.
- Various reprints. Manuscript 'Some predictions about the nature of comet Halley' (1 Mar. 1986) by FH and NCW, with a photocopy.
Box 63
- Typescript 'Chapter 8: We are stardust' by Ken Croswell? Typescript 'Conformal invariance in physics and cosmology' by FH and JVN (2 copies). FH and NCW 'The real cause of influenza?', Medical Monitor (26 Jan. 1990), 14-16. FH and NCW 'Sunspots and influenza', Nature 343 (25 Jan. 1990), 304.
Box 64
- Reprints and preprints, other authors.
Box 65
Slides of trips abroad 1950s-70s, and some astronomical slides.
Box 66
- Loren C. Eiseley. Charles Darwin, Edward Blyth, and the theory of natural selection. Photocopy from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 103, no. 1, February 1959, pp. 94-158.
- J.C. Willis. The course of evolution by differentiation or divergunt mutation rather than by selection. Cambridge, 1940. Photocopy.
- Leonard Huxley. Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker ... London, 1918. 2 vols. Photocopy.
- Alfred Russel Wallace and the discovery of natural selection. A thesis ... Cornell University ... by Henry Lewis McKinney June, 1967. Photocopy.
- Photocopy from book about Alfred Russel Wallace.
- Patrick Matthew. On naval timber and arboriculture ... London, 1831. Photocopy.
Box 67
- Proceedings informal conference on status and future of solar neutrino research, Brookhaven national laboratory ... January 5-7, 1978. Editor, G. Friedlander.
- M.P. Kowalski, M.P. Ulmer, R.G. Cruddace, and K.S. Wood. An x-ray survey of clusters of galaxies. IV. A survey of southern clusters and a compilation of upper limits for both Abell and southern clusters. The Astrophysical Jouranl Supplement Series, 56: 403-506, 1984 December.
- Voyager 1 Encounter with the Saturnian system. Photocopy from Science, vol. 212, 10 April 1981.
- A.H. Wapstra and N.B. Gove. Nuclear data tables. The 1971 atomic mass evaluation.
- Susumu Ohno. Evolution by gene duplication. Photocopy.
- Pioneer Venus Results: An overview. Photocopy from Science vol. 205, 6 July 1979, pp. 41-121.
- Frank E. Lutz. Apparently non-selective characters and combinations of characters, including a study of ultraviolet in relation to the flower-visiting habits of insects. Photocopy from Annals N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. XXIX, pp. 181-283.
- K.S. Wood, J.F. Meekins, D.J. Yentis et al. The HEAO A-1 x-ray source catalog.
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 108, art. 2, pp. 339-616. Photocopy.
- Adelaide Hewitt and Geoffrey Burbridge. A revised optical catalogue of quasi-stellar objects. [1980]. Photocopy.
Box 68
- The Hay Festival 1995. Booklet.
- Review of 'Home is where the wind blows' by Nicholas Booth from Astronomy Now, Feb. 1995. Photocopy.
- Edmund C. Stoner. The limiting density in white dwarf stars. Photocopy.
- The Ohio Survey: VI. The Astronomical Journal, vol. 79, no. 2, Feb. 1974, pp. 145-317.
- The Ohio Survey. VII. The Astronomical Journal, vol. 79, no. 11, Nov. 1974, pp. 1129-1210. < /li>
- W. David Arnett. On the bulk yields of nucleosynthesis from massive stars. The Astrophysical Journal, 219: 1008-1016, 1978 February 1, pp. 1008-1016.
- R.E.B. Munro. Observations at 408 MHz of radio sources from the 4C catalogue. Australian Journal of Physics Astrophysical Supplement Number 22. May 1972.
- J.V. Wall. The spectra of sources in the +-4o declination zone of the Parkes 2700 MHz survey. I. Spectra of individual sources. II. Statistical analysis. Australian Journal of Physics Astrophysical Supplement Number 24. October 1972.
- Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics Annual Report 1994-1995.
- Some aspects of gravitation and cosmology. Lectures delivered at the Silver Jubilee Conference of the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation.
- Compilation of research work done under the Indo-US exchange programme 1993-1996.
- National Academy of Sciences National Research Council ... a temple of Science.
- Astronomical instruments in medieval Spain their influence in Europe. 1985.
- Scientific American, March 1995.
- Illustrierte Wissenschaft, Dezember 1994.
- Physics World, December 1994.
- New Humanist, vol. 110, no. 1.
- New Scientist, 10 September 1994.
- New Scientist, 15 October 1994.
- Nature, vol. 375, no. 6534, 29 June 1995.
- Illustrert Vitenskap, September 1995.
- Illustrerad Vetenskap, September 1995.
- New Scientist, 17 August 1996.
- Physics Today, February 1995.
Box 69. Closed.
Diaries 1954-1963 (2 x 1956 and 1962).
Box 70. Closed.
Diaries 1964-1970 (2 x 1967) and UNICEF calendars 1968-1970.