Preprints of Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-2001), astronomer

NB The Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series and Special Preprints were produced by the Department of Applied Mathematics and Astronomy, University College, Cardiff. The Weston Preprint Series was produced by the Mathematics Institute, Cardiff.


W.A. Fowler and F. Hoyle, Neutrino Processes and Pair Formation in Massive Stars and Supernovae, Handbuch der Eαν-Prozesse (Orange Aid Preprint Series) [1964]. 214p (2 copies).


F. Hoyle and W.A. Fowler, On the origin of Deuterium, Orange Aid Preprint Series 305 (December 1972). 13p (2 copies).


F. Hoyle, A solar model with low neutrino emission, Orange Aid Preprint Series 386 (January 1975). 14p.

F. Hoyle, A possible relation of the 22-year solar cycle to the destruction of Lithium, Orange Aid Preprint Series 390 (January 1975). 16p.


N.C. Wickramasinghe, F. Hoyle and K. Nandy, Organic molecules in interstellar dust: a possible spectral signature at λ 2200 Å, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 25 (November 1976). 7p.

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Polysaccharides and infrared spectra of galactic sources, Preprint Series 35 [1976]. 11p.


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, The origin and nature of the carbonaceous material in the galaxy, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 39 (August 1977). 10p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Calculations of infrared fluxes from galactic sources for a polysaccharide grain model, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 40 (September 1977). 25p (2 copies).


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Influenza in some west-country schools, Special Preprint (March 1978). 9p (2 copies, 1 with Hoyle's annotations).

E.J. Butler and F. Hoyle, Erratic boulders, ice-ages, and other matters, Special Preprint (May 1978). 16p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Evidence for non-transmission of influenza and its extraterrestrial origin, Special Preprint (July 1978). 11p.


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, On the nature of interstellar grains, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 53 (April 1979). 21p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, On the ubiquity of bacteria: searching the planets and beyond, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 54 (May 1979). 51p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, The identification of the 3-micron spectral feature in galactic infrared sources, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 55 (October 1979). 6p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Organic grains in space, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 56 (November 1979). 4p.


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Influenza: a genetic virus with an external trigger, Special Preprint (May 1980). 9p (2 copies).

D.T. Wickramasinghe, F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Organic grains and the spectrum of the galactic centre source IRS 7, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 58 (May 1980). 4p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Dry polysaccharides and the infrared spectrum of OH 26.5 + 0.6, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 59 (May 1980). 2p (2 copies, 1 with pencil annotations).

D.T. Wickramasinghe and D.A. Allen, The 3.4µm interstellar absorption feature; D.T. Wickramasinghe, F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, The organic composition of interstellar grains, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 61 (June 1980). 6, 4p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, Steady-state cosmology revisited, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 62 (June 1980). 65p (3 copies, 1 heavily annotated by Hoyle).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, 1. Interstellar grains; 2. Comets: a vehicle for panspermia, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 65 (November 1980). 16, 12p (2 copies).


F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe, S. Al-Mufti, A.H. Olavesen, D.T. Wickramasinghe and D.A. Allen, Infrared spectroscopy over the 2.9-3.9µm waveband in biochemistry and astronomy, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 68 (24 June 1981). 9p (2 copies, 1 with some annotations by Hoyle).

F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe, S. Al-Mufti and A.H. Olavesen, Infrared spectroscopy of microorganisms near 3.4µm in relation to geology and astronomy, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 69 (June 1981). 6p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, The universe: past and present reflections, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 70 (May 1981). 63p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, The Anglo-Australian telescope, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 71 (August 1981). 51p (2 copies).


F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe and S. Al-Mufti, 1. Organo-siliceous biomolecules and the infrared spectrum of the trapezium nebula; 2. Interstellar absorptions at 3.2µm and 3.3µm, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 75 (February 1982). 10, 4p.

F. Hoyle, What is a spiral galaxy?, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 76 (February 1982). 36p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, An essay on genetics, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 76 (April 1982). 44p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, From NASA with love, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 82 (June 1982). 8p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Proofs that life is cosmic, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 83 (July 1982).

N.L. Jabir, F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, On the optical properties of bacterial grains I, Institute of Fundamental Studies Sri Lanka Preprint Series [1982]. 21p.


F. Hoyle, On the causes of plate tectonics, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 84 (January 1983). 34p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, The anatomy of a conference epidemic, Special Preprint (February 1983). 9p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe and N.L.Jabir, 1. The extinction of starlight at wavelengths near 2200 Å; 2. 2.8-3.6µ spectra of micro-organisms with varying H20-ice content, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 85 (February 1983). 9, 5p (2 copies).

L.M. Karim, F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Interstellar proteins and the discovery of a new interstellar absorption feature at λ = 2800 Å, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 86 (March 1983). 9p.

F. Hoyle, Magnetic monopoles and the halos of galaxies, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 87 (March 1983). 34p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, A gravitational model for QSOs, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 88 (April 1983). 103p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, On the V/Vm test for a recently published list of bright QSOs, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 92 (August 1983). 10p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe and S. Al-Mufti, The spectroscopic identification of interstellar grains, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 93 (October 1983). 14p.

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Are interstellar grains bacteria?, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 100 (November 1983). 42p (2 copies, 1 with some annotations by Hoyle).


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, On the availability of phosphorous in the bacterial model of the interstellar grains, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 101 (January 1984). 11p.

F. Hoyle, J.V. Narlikar and N.C. Wickramasinghe, The radiation of microwaves and infrared by slender graphite needles, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 102 (February 1984). 13p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, On the causes of Ice-Ages, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 103 (April 1984). 36p (with some annotations by Hoyle).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, On the properties of large particles in the zodiacal cloud and in the interstellar medium, and their relation to recent IRAS observations, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 104 (May 1984). 20p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, Cosmology in 1984, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 105 (June 1984). 71p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe and M.K. Wallis, On the nature of dust grains in the comae of comets Cernis and Bowell, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 106 (July 1984). 10p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, The relation of bacterial absorptivity in the 3 to 4 micron waveband to observations of GC-IRS7 and sundry comments, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 108 (September 1984). 26p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe and S. Al-Mufti, The ultraviolet absorbance of interstellar bacteria and related matters, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 110 (October 1984). 16p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, On a possibly fundamental principle in chemistry as viewed in a cosmogonic context, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 111 (December 1984). 25p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe and Hans D. Pflug, An object within a particle of extraterrestrial origin compared with an object of presumed terrestrial origin, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 107 [1984]. 2p (2 copies).


F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe and S. Al-Mufti, The measurement of the absorption properties of dry micro-organisms and its relationship to astronomy, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 112 (February 1985). 6p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe, S. Al-Mufti and L.M. Karim, On the effects of irregularities of internal structure in determining the ultraviolet properties of interstellar grains, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 113 (March 1985). 15p (2 copies).

R.B. Hoover, F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe, M.J. Hoover and S. Al-Mufti, Diatoms on Earth, comets, Europa, and in interstellar space, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 114 (March 1985). 38p (2 copies).

R.B. Hoover, F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe, M.J. Hoover and S. Al-Mufti, Diatoms on Earth, comets, Europa, and in interstellar space, NASA Space Science Laboratory Preprint Series (April 1985). 41p.

J. Watkins, F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Some evidence on non-transmissibility of acute upper respiratory disease and related matters, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 115 (May 1985). 47p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, The nature of interstellar grains: the Hulbert Lecture, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 117 (June 1985). 39p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle, On the relation of a biological puzzle to the origin of ice-ages and to other phenomena, including the diverse skin-colourings of humans, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 118 (August 1985). 36p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, On the nature of the particles causing the 2200Ã… peak in the extinction of starlight, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 119 (December 1985). 7p (2 copies).


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Some predictions on the nature of Comet Halley, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 121 (1 March 1986). 9p + 2p photocopy of handwritten appendix (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Organic grains in comets, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 122 (17 March 1986). 3p, bound with copies of other papers.

F. Hoyle, The mystery of the missing shorter period comets, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 123 (May 1986). Photocopy of handwritten paper. [93]p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, On deliberate misreferencing as a tool of science policy, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 125 (1 June 1986). 2p (2 copies).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Priorities on ideas concerning the nature of cosmic dust and related matters, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 126 (June 1986). 17p (2 copies, different versions).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Priorities on ideas concerning the nature of cosmic dust and related matters: appendix A, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 126 (June 1986).

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Priorities on ideas concerning the nature of cosmic dust and related matters: appendix B, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 126 (June 1986).

D.T. Wickramasinghe, D.A. Allen, F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe and S. Al-Mufti, Organic grains in the Comet Halley, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 127 (June 1986). 5p.


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Interstellar extinction by cometary organic grains, Weston Preprint Series: cosmic dust and exobiology 2 (Nov. 1987). 13p (2 copies).

L.M. Spetner, F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe and M. Margaritz, Archaeopteryx may be a forgery, Weston Preprint Series: cosmic dust and exobiology 3 (Nov. 1987). 11p (2 copies).

N.C. Wickramasinghe, M.K. Wallis, S. Al-Mufti, F. Hoyle and D.T. Wickramasinghe, Organic nature of cometary grains, Weston Preprint Series: cosmic dust and exobiology 4 (Nov. 1987). 12p (2 copies).

Q. Majeed, N.C. Wickramasinghe, F. Hoyle and S. Al-Mufti, A diatom model of dust in the trapezium nebula, Weston Preprint Series: cosmic dust and exobiology 5 (Nov. 1987). 5p.


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Metallic particles in astronomy, Weston Preprint Series: cosmic dust and exobiology 7 (March 1988). 22p.

N.C. Wickramasinghe, M.K. Wallis and F. Hoyle, Modelling the 5-30µm spectrum of Comet Halley, Weston Preprint Series: cosmic dust and exobiology 9 (August 1988). 11p.

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Linear and circular polarization by hollow organic grains, Weston Preprint Series: cosmic dust and exobiology 10 (August 1988). 10p.


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Backscattering of sunlight by ice grains in the mesosphere, Weston Preprint Series: atmospheric and space science 9 (November 1990). 14p (2 copies).


N.C. Wickramasinghe, B. Jazbi and F. Hoyle, The extinction of starlight revisited, Weston Preprint Series: cosmic dust and exobiology 13 (February 1991). 18p.

F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, The universe and life: deductions from the weak Anthropic Principle, Weston Preprint Series: atmospheric and space science 10 (March 1991). 34p.


N.C. Wickramasinghe, A.N. Wickramasinghe and F. Hoyle, The absorption of electromagnetic radiation by metal cylinders of finite length; N.C. Wickramasinghe, Iron whiskers and ripples in the microwave background, Weston Preprint Series: atmospheric and space science 14 (June 1992). 8p.


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Absorption properties of astronomical iron whiskers: an accurate model, Weston Preprint Series: atmospheric and space science 50 (October 1993). 12p.

F. Hoyle, G. Burbidge and J.V. Narlikar, Astrophysical deductions from the quasi steady-state cosmology, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics Preprint 32/93 (December 1993). 38p (2 copies).


F. Hoyle, G. Burbidge and J.V. Narlikar, Further astrophysical quantities expected in a quasi-steady state universe, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics Preprint 8/94 (March 1994). 41p.


G. Burbidge, F. Hoyle and P. Schneider, Very close pairs of Quasi-Stellar Objects, Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik MPA 916 (January 1996). 8p.


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, Small comets in the high atmosphere, Cardiff Blue Preprint Series 139 (June 1997). 5p.


F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, The Dilemma of Influenza, Accepted for publication in Current Science, [2000]. 5p.

Bound volume of various preprints

  1. F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe, On the ubiquity of bacteria: searching the planets and beyond, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 54 (May 1979). 51p.
  2. F. Hoyle, Steady-state cosmology revisited, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 62 (June 1980). 65p.
  3. F. Hoyle, The universe: past and present reflections, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 70 (May 1981). 63p.
  4. F. Hoyle, The Anglo-Australian telescope, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 71 (August 1981). 51p.
  5. F. Hoyle, What is a spiral galaxy?, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 76 (February 1982). 36p.
  6. F. Hoyle, On the causes of plate tectonics, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 84 (January 1983). 34p.
  7. F. Hoyle, Magnetic monopoles and the halos of galaxies, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 87 (March 1983). 34p.
  8. F. Hoyle, A gravitational model for QSOs, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 88 (April 1983). 103p.
  9. F. Hoyle, On the V/Vm test for a recently published list of bright QSOs, Astrophysics and Relativity Preprint Series 92 (August 1983). 10p.