Personal papers of Thomas Ethelbert Page (1850-1936), classicist
Box 1
46 ALS to Page (list enclosed).
19 ALS to Page from George A. MacMillan, publisher, 8 May 1879 - 13 Dec. 1894.
2 ALS from Page to Harold (Walter Harold Page), his nephew, 26 Dec. 1926 and 11 Oct. 1927.
7 ALS from Page to Harold (Walter Harold Page), his nephew, undated.
24 ALS from Page to Dick (Arthur Douglas Page), his great nephew, 15 Jan. 1925 - 23 July 1933.
108 ALS from Page to Dick (Arthur Douglas Page), his great nephew, undated (i.e. no year given).
Box 2
10 ALS to Page from Kate (Catherine Lanchester), his sister, 7 July 1879 - 25 Dec. 1883.
5 ALS to Page from Lizzie S. Page, his sister-in-law, 26 March 1879 - 26 Dec. 1889 and one undated.
5 ALS to Page from Catherine (8 Oct. 1897), Beatrix (7 Nov. 1894 and 20 Feb. 1898) and Lucy (3 and 9 Feb. 1898), his nieces.
4 ALS to Page from H. Lanchester, his brother-in-law, 11 Dec. 1878 - 13 Oct. 1883.
46 ALS to Page from WTP (William Tomlinson Page), his brother, 20 Sept. 1878 - 5 Nov. 1910 and one undated.
123 ALS to Page from his father, 1 Nov. 1878 - 28 March 1908.
22 ALS to Page from his mother, 23 May 1879 - 8 Jan. 1886.
3 ALS from Page to 'My dear "Complete" one' (8 June 1924); 'Dear Mr Sharpley' (8 Jan. 1934); 'My dear Councillor' (22 Oct.).
3 ALS from Page to 'My dear Will' (William Tomlinson Page), his brother, 2 Dec. 1908 - 8 Feb. 1909.
5 ALS from Page to 'My dear Mary', 1 Dec. 1932, 27 March and 25 Oct. 1934, and two undated.
5 ALS from Page to 'Papa' (William Tomlinson Page), his father, 13 Feb, 11 March, 15 May and 26 Oct 1881, 14 Dec. [no year] and one undated letter signed 'Little Ethel' from Charterhouse.
14 ALS from Page to 'Mama' (Anne Page), his mother, 6 Feb. 1880 - 15 Nov. 1881.
Box 3
Letters, newspaper cuttings, miscellaneous MS and printed items.
'The Estate of Thomas Ethelbert Page deceased. Statement of Accounts from 1st April 1936 to 5th April 1937.' Typescript.
Box 4
Newspaper cuttings, miscellaneous MS and printed items.
Box 5
Album of cuttings.
Box 6
Album of cuttings.
Box 7
Loose cuttings.
Donated by A.D. Page, Aug. 1981.