Vellum, 16.7 x 10, ff. 214 + 4, double columns of 55 lines. 14th cent. in two very fine hands. Rebound.
Donor, T. C. S. Price marked at 31 10s. 2 fo. nuscula.
On a flyleaf is the mark C.IIII. resembling that of Titchfield Priory in Hampshire, but not answering to the entry in the old catalogue of that library.
Also on f. 1, upper R. corner: Suthbur’ communitatis.
A bit is cut off the top of the flyleaf, where no doubt the name of the former owner occured. On the flyleaf is
Benedictione perpertua benedicat nos pater eternus. Amen.
12 die ffebr. A.D. 1573. J. m.
Collation: 2 flyleaves, 112 – 512 68 || 712 – 1712 1814 , 2 flyleaves.
I. 1. Expositio super prologos S. Hieronymi in Biblia . . . f. 1
Partibus expositis textus noua cura cor angit
Et fragiles humeros onus inportabile frangit, etc.
Omnipotens opifex operis dator huius et auctor
Ut stet opus fer opem calamum rege sis michi fautor.
Frater Ambrosius, etc. Ad euidenciam huius epistole quam
scribit Jeronimus.
The last section is: Inc. prologus in librum apocalipsis seu
potius introitus giliberti pictauiensis in apocalipsim (p. 131).
This heading has led to the conjecture that the whole work is
by Gilbert of Poitiers: but in reality the prologue to the
Apocalypse (omnes qui pie uolunt uiuere) is all that is his
The same text occurs, attributed to ‘Gilbertus,’ in the Peter-
house MS. no. 257.
It ends p. 134: secundum vii status ecclesie generalis. Expl.
Finitur laboris (i.e. labor is) laus Christo grata sit oris
qui sit scriptoris requies mercesque laboris.
2. Verses on the order of the biblical books . . . . 134
Sunt Genes., Ex., le., nu., de., Josu., Iu., Ruth, Res. paral.
[sic, probably Reg. paral., esdras].
Verses on the number of chapters in each book.
L. genesis. minus exo decem. le. uigin. dat et epta.
p. 136 blank.
11. Hieronymus super Psalmos (XXVI 821) . . . . 137
Inc. prefatio expositionis paslmorum S. Ieronimi presbiteri.
Cum proxime origenis psalterium quod enchyridion ille uocauit
-aut in persona prophete. Expl. pref.
Inc. interpretatio in psalmo primo. Beatus uir, etc.
Quidam dicunt hunc psalmum quasi prefationem esse.
Ends p.428: hiis mereamur adiungi concinentibus. Ipsi gloria
et imperium cum eterno patre et spiritu sancto in cuncta sec.
sec. Amen.
There are extremely fine and skilful initials to both parts of the book, with figures usually of dogs and hares or deer left in white. These are also found at the main divisions of the Psalter. Marginal notes are enclosed in very pretty frames, e.g. on pp. 4 b, 5 a.