Browne 1412 (formerly K.7). Commentary on the Six Peraqim by R. Isaac Israeli. Hebrew.
Paper. 195 x 150mm. 131 fos. Collation: 3 flyleaves, 110, 214, 314, 416, 514, 616, 716, 814, 918 (wants 18), 3 flyleaves.
Vellum binding.
This manuscript is described in An appendix to sayings of the Jewish Fathers containing a catalogue of manuscripts and notes on the text of Aboth by Charles Taylor (Cambridge, 1900) pp. 98-103:
'It consists ... of a copy ... of the commentary on the Six Peraqim by R. Isaac Israeli ... The six chapters commence severally on the pages, 1b, 24a, 47a, 71a, 97a, 119a. The work was completed by the author (as he tells us) in the year 1368 A.D., in the 28th year of his age ... The transcription, which is in a Sepharadic rabbinic hand, was finished on Tuesday, the 28th Elul, 5277 A.M., that is, 1517 A.D.'
Given by Edmund Castell (1606-85). On the first flyleaf is written 'Anno 1684. Hoc M.S. Rabbinicum in Archivis Collegii D. Johannis Evangelistae Cantabrigiae reponi dedit Vir Clarissimus, Linguarumque Orientalium peritissimus Edmundus Castellus S.T.D. ac in Academia Cantabrigiensi Linguae Arabicae Publicus Professor.'
On the flyleaf facing the opening of the text is written 'Expositio Masseceth Avoth, sive Tractatus.'
1710 College bookplate inside back cover.