Browne 1436 (formerly N.12). Two humorous Turkish poems by Wasif-i-Andaruni.
Paper. 175 x 110mm. 40 fos.
Gold tooled dark red leather binding.
Two humorous Turkish poems in the harem dialect of women by Wasif-i-Andaruni, with English verse translation by Sir James William Redhouse (1811-92), who published them anonymously in 1881 (A mother's advice to her daughter and the wild daughter's undutiful reply: two humorous Turkish poems, in the harem dialect of women, and in pentastich strophes, with recurrent chorus. By Wasifi Enderuni. Metrically translated into English. Privately printed, 1881). See E.J.W. Gibb's History of Ottoman Poetry, vol. iv, p.285. This copy, whether the original manuscript or not, is in Redhouse's own hand. It comprises a preface, the Turkish text in Arabic characters, and the English verse translation. The Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous English literature mistakenly gives the translator as W.A. Clouston.
Contains a letter from Redhouse (16 Kilburn Priory, London) to Dr Charles Taylor (Master of St John's), dated 23 June 1884, which reads ' ... The "Two Turkish Poems" are, in the original, in the harem idiom ... Of each of the foregoing I hope you will kindly accept one copy yourself, and present the other, and also the manuscript of the "Two Turkish Poems" to the library of St John's, as mementos of its very grateful, though unworthy, adopted or honorary member ...'
Gift-label inside front cover.