St John's College I.9 (James 310, Wagstaff 3486)
Treatise against bishops. English, 1571
Treatise against the episcopacy, in favour of a Genevan form of Church government. Beg.: 'Howe excellent a thinge, and howe greatly to be estemed'; ends: 'wee maye see joye in Jacob, for a reformation, and peace upon the Israell of God'. The date 1 Mar. 1570 appears at fo. 1r. At fo. 110r, at end of work: 'Sit laus deo 12 Nove. 1571 anno aetatis 32'.
295x225 mm.; [3]+i+110+i+[3] fos; inscribed by Thomas Baker on fo. i r: 'Liber olim ornatissimi viri Thomae Wagstaff' and 'Tho: Baker dedit Coll: Jo: socius ejectus'; small College bookplate (eighteenth century) on fo. 1r. A clean copy.
Paper; damaged by damp, particularly in latter half of vol., and repaired by J. P. Gray in May 1972. Limp vellum binding repaired at same date (note at end of vol.).