St John's College I.30 (James 324, Wagstaff 3492)
Proceedings against Mary Queen of Scots. English, c. 1587
'A Declaration of the proceadynges against the Quene of Scottes'. A contemporary account of the process at law against Mary Stuart, with related material and a collection of sermons and notes for sermons probably compiled by or for Richard Fletcher (d. 1596), Dean of Peterborough and afterwards Bishop of Bristol, Exeter and London, who according to Thomas Baker 'was present and rather over active at the execution of the Queen of Scotts' (fo. 18v). Fletcher's entry in DNB suggests that he 'obtruded his "unwelcome ministrations" upon Mary with the insolence of unfeeling bigotry'.
1v-2r: Theological notes; fo. 3r: 'Hir removing to the Castle of Fotheringhaye in the countie of Northampton' (25 Sep. 1586), and 'The commyng thither of the Lordes Commissioners for the hearyng of hir cause' (12 Oct.); fos 3v-18r: The sermon preached before them by Dean Fletcher; fo. 18v: blank; fos 19r- 26v: the summoning and the process against the Queen; fo. 27r: 'The Scottishe Queene to Anthony Babbington', 25 June 1586; fos 27v-30r: 'The answere of Anthony Babbyngton'; fos 30v-36r Queen Mary to Babington; fo. 36v-37r: Babington to Queen Mary, 3 Aug. 1586; fos 37v- 40v: 'the forme of speaches and exhortacions meditated by the Deane of Peterburghe by the direction of the Lords Commissioners to have bene uttered to the Quene of Scottes at the place and tyme of hir execucion within the Castell of Fotheringhaye the 8 of February 1586, which beinge by hym begunne was by hir interrupted and refused to be hearde', Stype, Annals III, i, 560; fo. 41r-41v: 'the discription of the Queene of Scottes bothe of hir person, as also for the manner of hir apparell' at her execution; fos 42r-49r: 'the manner of the execucion of the Scottishe Queene'. Fletcher's prayer at the execution is printed in Gunton, History of Peterborough p. 75; fos 49v-66v: 'A sermon preached before the Queene immediatly after the execucion of the Queene of Scottes by the Deane of Peterburghe'; fos 67r-70v: 'The manner of the solemnitie of the Scottishe Queenes Funerall beynge the ii of auguste 1587 at Peterburgh in the countie of Northampton'; fos 71r-142r: theological notes and sermons; fo. 142v: blank.
205x145 mm. 142 fos. Formerly belonging to 'Thomas Fletcher' (inscription at fo. 1v, not a son, perhaps a cousin or nephew?) and thereafter to Thomas Wagstaff, and presented to the Library by Thomas Baker (inscriptions at fos 2v, 18v). Small College bookplate (eighteenth century) at fo. 2v.
Single hand. Paper: some damp damage at corners. Top corner of fo. 107 torn away. Original vellum binding repaired by John P. Gray & Son, Sep. 1972.