St John's College L.14 (James 369)
William Sancroft, Form of the Coronation of James II. English, 1685
William Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury (1617-93): reworking of the coronation service, following an order from the council to remove the communion service and 'to abbridge (as much as conveniently might be) the extreme length of the rest' (see fo. 58v). The possibility of a communion is nevertheless catered for. At fo. 58r is Sancroft's signature, together with those of the bishops who assisted him in his revision: H[enry Compton, Bishop of] London, N[athaniel Crew, Bishop of] Durham, P[eter Mew, Bishop of] Winchester, W[illiam Lloyd, Bishop of St] Asaph, Francis [Turner, Bishop of] Ely, and Thomas [Sprat, Bishop of] Rochester. At fo. 58v is a draft for the proclamation approving the revision, dated 21 April 1685. The work is entirely in Sancroft's hand, is heavily revised, and is so organised that blank pages are left to accommodate additions to the abbreviated service. At fo. [i] is a copy [or first rendering] of the text which appears on the first folio of MS L.15, a companion to this MS. James and his queen were crowned on 23 April, the Communion service being omitted. For further Sancroft memoranda upon the coronation see Bodleian MS Tanner 31, fo. 91.
185x125 mm. 63 fos. Inscribed by Thomas Baker at fo. 3r: 'This Book is an originall, in Archbishop Sancroft's own hand, the same that he made use of, at the coronation of King James the 2d, and the Queen his consort'. College bookplate (eighteenth century) inside front cover.
Autograph throughout. Paper. Original tooled leather binding.