St John's College L.24 (James 375)
Jeremiah Markland, Notes on St Matthew's Gospel. English, 1759
Jeremiah Markland, Fellow of Peterhouse (1693-1776): a commentary on the Greek text of St Matthew's Gospel, arranged chapter by chapter. Written from the end of the vol.: 'Queries concerning the sense of some passages in The Epistles of St Paul etc. for private use'. Dated 3 May 1759 on fo. 1r.
Manuscript extra information
320x205 mm. i+82 fos+16 pp. College bookplate (1792) inside front cover. Markland bequeathed his books and papers to his friend William Heberden (1710-1801), Fellow of St John's College.
Autograph throughout, with many corrections. Paper. Marbled cardboard covers.