St John's College M.7 (James 390)
Confessio Saxonica. Latin, sixteenth century
''Confessio Augustana' in the original MS, corrected to 'Saxonica' in a later hand. As Cowie points out, it is the same confession as that published under this name in the Corpus et Syntagma Confessionum (Geneva, 1612), where it is said to have been written in 1551 'in Synodo Wittebergae ubi Saxonicarum et Misnicarum Ecclesiarum Pastores et Academiarum Doctores convenerant: qui omnes ei subscripserunt tanquam Augustanae Confessioni repetitae, Tridentinae congregationi proponendae. Eam comprobarunt Illustrissimi Principes Brandeburgici atque generosissimi Comites a Mansfelt et Argentinenses Ministri: atque Pastores et Doctores Ecclesiarum Pomeraniae Scriptis Confessioni annexis.'
210x160 mm. Single flyleaf, 82 fos, contemporary: A8-K8 L2. College bookplate (eighteenth century) inside front cover. Formerly classified as A.7.25 (inscription inside front cover). From the library of William Crashaw, presented in 1635 by Thomas, Earl of Southampton ('Tho: C. S.' and printed donation plate inside front cover). The flyleaf carries signatures 'Thomas Sackevyle' [Thomas Sackville (d. 1608), Lord Buckhurst, later Earl of Dorset], 'G. Burde'' and 'W. Crashawe 1610'.
A single sixteenth-century hand with a few copyist's corrections. Paper, the final flyleaf torn away. Text measuring 155x105 mm.; 22 lines to the page. Contemporary leather binding on boards, with gold tooling; an earlier printed work seems to have been used for the paste-downs.