St John's College S.36 (James 426)
'Castrum Animae'. Latin, c. 1600
'Castrum Animae', or 'Castellum Conscientiae', dedicated 'ad illustrissimum atque doctissimum Edouardum Rutlandie Comite [Edward Manners, 3rd Earl of Rutland, 1549-87] Anno Domini 1586'. 'Exterius perlege interius remniscere. Hoc fac et vives.' A colophon: 'Ex bibliotheca ?nostra Sive bibliis et ?perangustis cubiculo Nottinghamne per A. Atkinsonn'.
140x85 mm. vii+80+i fos. On the flyleaf: 'Richard Sleswic anno aetatis 30 Maii primo', and Sleswic's name twice further, front and end of vol., together with pen flourishes and the names or signatures of others, among them Thomas Dorrill. Presumably this is the Richard Sloswic who matriculated from Pembroke in 1606. 'No. VIII' on the front cover.
A single hand throughout, ruled margins with running headers. A clean copy. Vellum and paper (fo. 62 on). Illustrated title page tipped in. Vellum binding on card, the stitching rather worn and weak. The flyleaves are fashioned from a fragment of a medieval liturgical manuscript.
See P. R. Robinson, Catalogue of dated and datable manuscripts c.737-1600 in Cambridge libraries (Cambridge, 1988) vol. I, p. 90, no. 315; vol. II pl. 386 (fol. 3).