St John's College U.35
Christabel Maxwell, Dr Scott: the friend of Nelson. English, c. 1950-60.
Alexander John Scott (1768-1840) studied at St John's College, graduating BA in 1790. He subsequently served as chaplain, secretary and interpreter to Lord Nelson, and following Nelson's death pursued a clerical career (see ODNB). Christabel Maxwell was related to Scott and in 1949 published Mrs Gatty & Mrs Ewing.
This unpublished typescript biography of Scott comprises a short introduction and nineteen chapters divided into two parts, 'The Navy' and 'The Church'. The introduction is preceded by a 'Genealogical table' showing Scott's forebears and the descent of the Gatty line from him. The typescript is a neat copy with very few pencil corrections.
330 x 210 mm. 134p. Paper, in loose sheets. Kept in envelope.
Given to the Library by Dr A.H. McDonald of Clare College, on behalf of Mrs Maxwell's daughters, in 1971. Letters relating to unsuccessful attempts to publish the work, and to the donation of the typescript to the Library, are kept with it.