St John's College U.71-74

Annotated copy of the 1738 Bodleian Library catalogue.


A copy of the Catalogus impressorum librorum bibliothecæ Bodleianæ in academia Oxoniensi (Oxford, 1738) edited by Robert Fysher, interleaved and annotated with details of the books held in St John's College Library Cambridge. The entries are arranged alphabetically by author or uniform title. The printed pages carry handwritten classmarks beside those items found in St John's Library, while the interleaved pages supply author, title, imprint, and classmark for items found in St John's but not included in the printed catalogue. The volumes have been heavily used and many of the pages carry repairs. This catalogue was the successor to and was used until the adoption of an interleaved and annotated copy of the Catalogue of the printed books in the library of the Faculty of Advocates (1867-79) from 1892 (Library Committee minutes 29 April 1892).

Manuscript extra information

480 x 320 mm. 4 vols. Annotated in various different hands. Leather and marbled paper over boards.