MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 7 x 4.25, ff. 88 + 4, 28 lines to a page.  12th cent., beautifully written.

    Binding of the 15th and 16th cents., stamped leather (lines only) over boards, clasp gone.

    Donor, T. C. S.

    Collation: 2 flyleaves, 18 28 38 (wanting 4) 5 48 - 68 76 88 - 118 124: 2 flyleaves

(folded as 4).



       Title in red and green.

       Sermo Ius de Annunt. S. Marie V.    .         .         .         .         .         .       f. 1

       In principio creauit, etc.-mane dies unus.

       Duo sunt opera dei. primum quo mundum creauit.

       Sermo II in Annunt. S. Marie      .         .         .         .         .         .         .    6b

       Ecce uirgo concipiet.  Quoniam per prophetam dictum fuerat ad


       Sermo III.  Missus est angelus.  Per galileam que transmigratio                 10b     

       Sermo in Purif. S. M.   Adorna thalamum…Per syon que specula  .            16b

       Beginning of Sermo II gone.

       Sermo III in Purif.  Videl'e miraculum matris domini  .          .         .           21b

       Sermo  I  De Assumpt. S. M.  Paradisi porta per Euam.        .         .            26b

          „       II                 „                  Maria uirgo assumpta est       .         .          29b

          „       III                 „                  Ferculum fecit rex       .          .         .        33b

       Sermo  I  De S. M. Natiuitate. Natiuitas est hodie      .          .         .             38

          „       II               „                  Ego quasi uitis … Virga iesse que

                                                            prius     .          .         .         .         .             43

           „      III              â€ž                  Liber generationis Ihesu…. In

                                                            huius diei ueneranda            .         .            48b

        Sermo de S. M. in quolibet anni tempore.  Multe uirgines congre-

           gauerunt diuitias       .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .             54

        Ends f. 88a: nichilominus tamen nostre humanitati est unitus.

        On 88b are scribbles: hic libellus continet sermones S. Marie

           Annunc., Purif., de eius excellentia.

        Formerly at the end, but now separate and enclosed with D.7, are

           portions of two leaves, folded into four, of a Psalter in Anglo-Irish

           hand of the 10th cent. (?).  It is in double columns: some initials filled

           with yellow or red.  One leaf contains part of the Canticum Moysi (2)

           (Ex. xv), the other, part of the quicunque vult (1).  The latter has some

           Latin glosses.

Manuscript extra information




With regard to the leaves of the 10th century, F. A. M. Bishop has observed that (1) is English of the mid 10th century, glossed in another English hand of the later 10th century, and that (2) has been almost entirely rewritten by two scribes of the 12th century.


H. Gneuss, Handlist of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts: a list of manuscripts and manuscript fragments written or owned in England up to 1100 (Tempe, 2001) no. 150.