St John's College W.3 (part)
R. P. Burnett, Memoirs of life in India. English, c. 1905
The Revd Richard Parry Burnett, of St John’s College, rector of Cornwell, Chipping Norton (1853-1930): ‘Twenty years in India (1880-1900) or Reminiscences of a Madras chaplain’, no date [c. 1905].
Manuscript extra information
225x180mm. 66pp. From the papers of E. A. Benians, Master of St John’s College, presented by Mrs Benians after her husband’s death in 1952. On the evidence provided by a letter dated 6 Apr. 1905 from the author to R. F. Scott, then Senior Bursar and later Master of St John’s, the work was submitted for consideration, in whole or in part, in the College magazine The Eagle, but was never published.
Autograph MS. Paper. A clean copy written in a commercial ruled exercise book.