St John's College O.71

Thomas Holdway, Commonplace Book. English, c. 1743.


Thomas Holdway (d. 1773) began this book in 1743, probably in Hampshire, given the memorial verses recorded from various churchyards in that county. Manuscript exercises in arithmetic with examples of mercantile calculations occupy c. 50 pages. Other content includes manuscript music for psalms, poetry, and recipes for medical cures. Holdway鈥檚 ownership is recorded on both covers of the vellum wrapper.

Manuscript extra information

210 x 170 mm. [92] pages.  Paper. Notebook in original vellum wrapper (reused from old deed) decorated with ornamental penwork frames. Includes a single loose sheet, manuscript letter  unsigned giving notice to a tenant in East Woodhay to quit, dated 20 March 1861. Purchased from Samuel Gedge 2013.